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Transferred Aggression - How Can I Stop It?


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Hi I would really appreciate some help please. I have a 4yr female Jack russel and a 2yr old female Wire Haired Fox Terrier. The Jack is the dominant dog and smarter one I feel. The Jack taught the Wired one to bark when the postman came. Now when the postman comes the Wire haired one barks at the postman then when he rides away she turns and looks for the Jack to fight. She usually runs around the house looking then about a minute or so she calms down and everything is normal. The jack by the way usually hides when the postman comes. The other day my brothers dog was over ( male ) and the postman arrived and the jack stood her ground and a vicious fight broke out to which only a hose inside the house could stop. they were locked on to each other. Both were in the vets for the night. one with 6 stitches on her head and the other with multiple bite wounds on her. This has happen three times over the past year.

Does anyone have advice to stop this. I feel the next fight will be the last one. So for 23hrs and 55minutes their great. please help me control the 5 minutes of hell. I live in Brisbane.



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MrBeans, I would seriously consider getting a behaviourist in to help you sort this out as it sounds like you need a solution ASAP.

I will PM you the details of someone in Brissy :)

Edited by huski
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MrBeans, I would seriously consider getting a behaviourist in to help you sort this out as it sounds like you need a solution ASAP.

I will PM you the details of someone in Brissy :)

Thanks for that I appreciate it .


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One solution would be to lock the dogs up separately when the postman is expected and let them out a few minutes after he's gone. Do you have crates or a dog run? If your brother brings his dog over ask him to leave it in the car.

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