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Leerburg-the Power Of Training Dogs With Markers Dvd


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  • 2 months later...

Hey there,

I personally refuse to buy any Leerburg material for ethical reasons. I attended a Bernhard Flinks seminar some years back, and Flinks, who features in about 4-5 dvd's in Ed Frawley's range, claimed that at no time has he ever recieved any money for his appearances. He also made clear that what you see is Frawleys interpretation of Flink's methodolgy, and that he considers the videos to be poor interpretations at that.

Add to this the fact that Frawley uses his forums to slander and vilify people that do not let him have his own way, and this makes him nothing more than a bully and a loudmouth.

There is actually a website dedicated specifically to how borderline clinically nuts the guy is, and debunks some of his spurious claims towards others and regarding certain events. It is worth a look to put things in perspective.

Do a little research and what you will find will surely be eye opening, and this cannot help but make you aware of his massively lacking integrity and credibility...something that would discourage me from supporting him by buying his products.

Warm Regards,


Edited by Troy
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I don't think Frawley is any sort of expert on training with markers, nor learning theory. What sort of training are you doing, I might be able to recommend something from someone with expertise in that area?

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