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Help Needed For Rottie Girl - Ex Blacktown


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Thanks for the update, looking forward to hearing when she can go home. A warm bed and some good tucker and some meds for the heart will make some difference too.

Sounds like she has bonded with you quickly, and apprecieates all the love you are giving her.

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So glad to hear May has improved since Monday. :o Thank you so much for giving her a second chance when many others would of turned a blind eye.

You made a commitment when you decided to rescue her and stuck by it - even though she was/is ill. That is so noble of you.

And dogs know - they arent silly - thats why she loves you so and has formed a bond with you - she will be forever grateful to you for not letting her spend her final days in a pound, on a cold, wet, concrete floor - left to die in the hands of a stranger. She will not die now, with a broken heart - instead she will feel loved and special to the very end whether it be days or years away..... "Thank-you", because I am sure if she could say it - she would.

Edited by k9angel
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Crossing my fingers, she is coming home on Saturday :laugh: We need to get red cell levels up more so she is not so anemic... (something like that )

Today she had her favourite chicken and rice AND a chunky juicy bone which she lovvveeeddd...

Attached are her pics..

She was the same health wise, but seemed more relaxed today and found it easier to get up which is good...She also seemed happy...

Have a look guys



Edited by chinaplate
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She's probably never been this spoiled in her life!!! :banghead: She has reason now, to hang on and not wither or fade away - so glad for her. :rofl: good work!!!!! But you dont need me to tell you that - you'd know in your heart already.

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May looks like she is in heaven with that bone - she sure does look perky and pretty today.

We are keeping everything crossed for her here and sending all our support to her rescue-angel.

Sending big hugs to you both xxxxxx and please keep us updated on this precious girl

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Awwwww, she's a darling. Well done to everyone involved in making her life (be it short or long) an enjoyable experience for her. If it's short, at least she has known love and if it's long, well there's lots more love to come.

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At the risk of dampening the thread...

I agree whole heartedly with jdavis and would have said exactly the same if I had found this thread earlier.

  Nattylou said:
It looks like she is actually very underweight - other than her poor belly! So I gather her bony bits have all rubbed anywhere that she has laid down and her skin has broken down.
Yes, poor May is in a very bad way. She gradually got worse in the pound. With her suspected heart failure her peripheral circulation would be pretty bad. A healthy dog would handle lying on the concrete reasonably well but a weakened dog with underlying problems can deteriorate pretty quickly if not cared for and treated appropriately.

May is fighting for her life and I will offer all my prayers for her tonight. :happydance:

  Stefie said:
Our May is indeed suffering a fair bit. Due to her heart failure fluid accumulates in her body and her lungs which makes it very difficult for her to breathe. On top of that the infected sores and wounds, the general stress from being in the pound etc. - she is not in good shape... :happydance:

I, the rescuers and the vet have not given up on her though! Tomorrow a specialist will come in and do an ultrasound of her heart to check the extend of the heart failure. Only if the result of that is very bad indeed will she be sent over the bridge. But I am still hoping. I can still see a little spark in her eyes in her photos!

Poor dog! :provoke: I hope she gets relieved of all this soon.

  Cordelia said:
Where is the ability to look at the future for this poor dog? A large breed with (what is likely to be) congestive heart failure... not too many homes lining up for dogs with terminal illnesses or illnesses that aren't cheap to keep at bay (and then only for a relatively short time).

Quoted for emphasis.

Anyway. Good luck.

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  Tatelina said:
At the risk of dampening the thread...

I agree whole heartedly with jdavis and would have said exactly the same if I had found this thread earlier.

Yeah but you and jdavis play tag team.

May has improved since those original posts and before she was under intense care and treatment of the veterinarian.

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  Daisy said:
just checking in for today's update, how is the lovely May going?

its nice we all check in for the updates....we all care about Mays welfare and send best wishes to her and her angels that saved her from a dreadful and lonley death!!!!!!!!

Good on you saviours...... :provoke:

keep us posted.....

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