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Well Not Sure On The News - She's Well But....

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Thanks for the info Loraine - I might talk to the specialist about having a few just in case she crashes. I know that my mum will panic if she collapses etc, but hoping the other symptoms would be blatantly obvious prior to that so it never gets to that stage. To be honest, I'd panic too - I hate to see my little girl sick. She certainly doesnt deserve to go through that.

I will be giving the specialist a list of other meds that she is on for allergies etc just so we have clear and transparent info and he can tell me if anything would be affecting her. Lucky he is very good, always very honest but reassuring and encouraging. I guess he knows how hard a Cushinoid can be :rofl:

Let the waiting and watching begin. We watch her so closely now it's a wonder she doesnt have paranoia :banghead:

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My old girl was an addison. She had it for the last 6 or so years of her life. She never had cushings. Her main sympton was anorexia, the only thing I could get her to eat was roast chicken and sometimes that was difficult when her levels were too low. Her other main sympton was letheragy. She did have a bit of vomiting as well, but not a lot, it was more the first two. Before she was diagnosed she lost a heap of weight, mainly due to her anorexia I think. Hope that helps.

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Hi GoldieGirl,

THank you, yes that does help enormously. Chloe has lost about 3kgs but thankfully its not due to her not eating, more so a strict diet - but she does tend to go off certain foods every now and then, however she is a regular eater. But I will certainly look out for that. Lethargy also doesnt seem to be a problem lately, but again will watch for any signs of this changing.

It's comforting to hear from people that have previously trod the same path we are going down now.

Thanks for the advice, it's been really helpful!!

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No worries. Sascha never had a full on addission crisis, you will find that once they are stable on their meds they stay like that for quite a while. In the 6 years Sascha was on meds we probably only had to change her dosage half a dozen times or so... if that. The other thing to be mindful of is that if she normally gets stressed or frightened about something, eg. Thunderstorms like my old girl, just watch her carefully in those times. I had to give her an extra Cortate tablet (cortisone acetate) so she wouldn't crash when we had thunderstorms as she would go downhill quite rapidly. Maybe ask your vet, depending on what medication that Chloe is on and if its appropriate to do something similiar. Once you get over the initial shock and her bloods are stable then it is a manageable disease, so hang in there :cry: Oh, and Sash didn't die of it, she was PTS age 11 due to cancer.

ETA: I just realised you have a Sasha too (different spelling though :) )... how freaky is that!

Edited by GoldieGirl
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