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Cleaning Dogs Teeth


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What are some hints to keeping dogs teeth clean without eating bones?

My two are going to be 8 years old this year and have always eaten bones and have good teeth.

The last year they don't seem to be able to tolerate the bones anymore - haven't changed the bones (they get chuck bones) and I am pretty sure that there is nothing wrong with the bones - I get them from the same place, the dogs still love them but about an hour after eating them more often than not - they throw up everywhere! Never happened before - its totally new and I am alittle worried about it. Nothing wrong with the dogs - they just don't seem to be able to handle digesting bones anymore. So I am giving them to the dogs less and less.

I tried them on those Greenies - and they made them dogs smell something awful. No more of them.

They get rawhides and I have started brushing their teeth.

Anything else?

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Chuck bones. Sometimes beef chops/ Osso Bucco / Chicken bones - that kind of thing. It seems to be the chuck that makes them sick.

Big marrow bones make Tex sick so he doesn't get them anymore - vet said it was probably because of the amount of fat in the marrow.

We don't eat lamb or veal (anything like that). Years ago when we did - I tried them with lamb bones they wouldn't eat it - they would turn their noses up it. Don't know why. They would sometimes eat the meat but never the bones. So I know there is no point even trying it again.

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As well as the lamb necks, flaps and off cuts I also feed mine brisket bones. Does a great job at keeping their teeth pearly white.

My dogs eat bones daily.

I would try them again - just because they were not interested ages ago - does not mean they are not interested now. Don't give them a choice they will eat it.

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I think the best thing for teeth cleaning is feeding chicken cacasses on a regular basis. The bones are more rubbery and able to bend around the dog's teeth :rofl: and they don't wear the teeth down like harder bones.

The chicken I get doesn't have much if any fat on them and it's a staple of the dogs diet. Nice clean teeth :thumbsup:

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lamb necks and roo tails? Not too much fat on either of these and might just be something they can tear the meat off without actually eating the bone? Might be something they can have a chew on, and then you can take them away before they go hard and brittle. Tearing meat off bones is great for teeth.

Or maybe turkey necks? Again these don't have a lot of fat and the bone it is small and soft so would be less likely to cause a problem.

Would they chew on raw carrots?

If there's nothing they can eat that will help their teeth, you may have to resort to brushing them yourself.

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I recommend raw meaty bones as I have found teeth cleaning very hard/ineffective. We got our cat in the US and didn't know much about bones etc then, so I was cleaning her teeth but she still had a huge tartar buildup. Now that she gets raw chicken wings/necks all the tartar is gone.

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I too have an oldie who cannot tolerate bones of any description any more. He bloats, chucks and does cowpats. Now I only give him beef hide bones and pigs ears. I feel so sorry for him as he is missing out. Yes, I have tried them all but to no avail.

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Are lamb flaps the same as lamb breast. I have fed these to my dogs and they gobble them up very quickly. I get a little scared with bones, i usually give lamb shanks which is good for ripping the meat off. Lamb necks look a little sharp so i have always avoided them. I have Aussie bulldogs and they seem to swallow must things without chewing so anything small is no good. Any other suggestions for me? Thank you in advance

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For good molar cleaning- dogs need to use that side-on gnawing action over a period of time.

NOT crunching

NOT ripping

large bones with meat firmly attached are ideal .

roo tails are excellent. whole or halves for larger dogs. the meat and sinew is very firmly attached, and takes a lot of work to remove :thumbsup: Bones can then be crunched.

chicken carcasses are Ok

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I can't give chicken necks or even wings as mine swallow them whole.

We give chicken carcasses and brisket bones and Cleo is very partial to raw carrot.

Never really tried other types of bones but might try the roo tails (from pet shop?)

Are lamb flaps/off cuts okay for large dogs who just tend to inhale their food?

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I can't give chicken necks or even wings as mine swallow them whole.

We give chicken carcasses and brisket bones and Cleo is very partial to raw carrot.

Never really tried other types of bones but might try the roo tails (from pet shop?)

Are lamb flaps/off cuts okay for large dogs who just tend to inhale their food?

give the chicken necks/wings frozen, it will teach her not to inhale them :)

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