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Supermarket Products


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I remember reading a thread on supermarket worming products being the same or just as effective as the expensive brands. Does anyone know where the post is? I can't remember the subject of the thread.

Also are the snacks from supermarkets ok? I use to give my dogs the homebrand dog chocolate and schmakos and he loves it... he won't touch the expensive brands at all.... could it be that these are filled with too much flavouring?

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I wormed my first pet (cat) on a supermarket brand when i didn't know any better and after one week of him still having them i took him to the vet and they said the supermarket brand wormers are a pile of rubbish :wave: The tablets or paste from the vet work really quickly and are much better IMO.

I don't feed my dogs treats from the supermarket, they either get cheese, chicken necks or bits of sausage as treats so i wouldn't have a clue :love::)

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You have to learn to read the labels.

Many supermarket brands are identical, and work exactly the same, you need to compare ingredients.

Is there a list that someone's compiled already with this information that they can share? Surely I wouldn't have been the first one to ask this question. :kissbetter:

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If you want to worm your dog just go to the vet and purchase a product that you know is tried and trusted.

Take the dog with you and they may even way it so they can give you the correct dosage.

Most vets are more than happy to sell to you without an appointment.

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If you want to get wormers get them off the net I think vet n pet direct are pretty cheap.If you go to a vets to get your dog wormed its much dearer.Ive used supermarket wormers and theyre fine just as good as the ones your vet gives you same stuffs in them.

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Some of the supermarket ones don't do tapeworm, but I think the rest of the ingredients are just as good, I have always found our vets cheaper, the tablets are more concentrated, you can get th exact amount you require you don't have to by a four pack or 6 pack etc.

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There are only two types of snacks or treats I feed;

- Majority of the time I used cooked meat. Either left overs if we have any or I get cheap steak cuts from the supermarket for $3 or so and boil them, chop them into little pieces and use them as training treats. You can also use small pieces of cheese or kabana sausage.

- Dried meat like liver treats, lamb puff, fish, etc etc - I don't get them from the supermarket but from pet supply shops. I get the natural dried treats or you can make your own.

I'm not keen on things like schmackos, or any other processed dog treats.

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I'd rarther use the 'proper' worm treatment from a vets/vet pharmacy, i've known a few people treat pups with the cheap wormers and then have to go out and get the proper stuff when the 1st lot didn't get rid of the worms.

With treats, I prefer either fresh veg, meat or the dried products, Ikeep the prepared 'sweeties' to a minimum

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It is not a case of what is proper, it is the ingredients, you read the labels and choose the product that does what you want it to do, it really isn't that hard.

Not all wormers, no matter where you buy them from do the same job.

It is also good idea to rotate the products you use, and maybe from time to time get a faecal analysis done to see exactly what, if anything you are dealing with.

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We get calls all the time saying people have wormed and used flea products on their pets and they still have the problems.... 90% of the time they are using supermarket brands (like exelpet). I say 90% because i'm sure that vet/more expensive products do occasionally fail but TBH i've never actually seen a case when advocate/interceptor/sentinel/advantage/frontline etc haven't worked. I think that if the cheap ones work, then they work if they work, but if they don't on your pet then you'll end up having to buy the expensive stuff anyway. Seeing what i see now, i'd never waste my money on the 'cheap' stuff.

ETA: for treats there's nothing better than boiled chicken, i reckon. It smells *amazing*, they can eat it quickly and not have to stop and chew and you can give tiny, tiny pieces at a time. It's also really bland and easy to digest - so sure! you can buy some chicken from the supermarket :thumbsup:

Edited by Bindii
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Having big dogs, supermarket brands end up being REALLY expensive!

I go to the vets, he weighs them and gives them the correct dosage. I get a better product, and as he can buy them in bulk, I get a better price too. :banghead:

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I remember reading a thread on supermarket worming products being the same or just as effective as the expensive brands. Does anyone know where the post is? I can't remember the subject of the thread.

Also are the snacks from supermarkets ok? I use to give my dogs the homebrand dog chocolate and schmakos and he loves it... he won't touch the expensive brands at all.... could it be that these are filled with too much flavouring?

I buy worming tablets in a bottle of 100 from the vet. I am happy to onsell them at near cost to people who have bought pups from me. They come out cheaper than the supermarket price and you know what you are getting. The problem with supermarket stuff is that they buy from the lowest bidder . . . and the lowest bidder may be dodgy.

If you bought from a good breeder, you might ask them what they do and if they will let you buy in on the purchase.

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People should research who makes what brands

Excelepet is drontal & nearly all those expensive ones are made by the same companies & as a money earner.

We have used the supermarket wormers with no issues & wouldnt paythe silly prices vets charge

i've never actually seen a case when advocate/interceptor/sentinel/advantage/frontline etc haven't worked.

You read plenty of DOL & many of our clients no longer use frontline as it doesnt work.

We wont use it due to the chronic reactions.

Advantage aslo causes reactions in our breed.

Ofcourse vets dont push supermarket brands ,They want you to buy from them BUT what people do need to make is yes they read the y ingredients,they read what they do & if they have breeds who are ivermec sensitive they understand what ones they can/cant use.

As for vets selling things ,last year we had stacks of clients whose vet gave there dogs yearly heartworm jabs & then sold them products for fleas/worms that also di heartworm.Thats how stupid some are.

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