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Gettign Ready To Trial In Ccd

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Its hard to explain why the food thing doesnt thrill me. I have used it before with our boy and very successfully, he is fantastic. Tina is a very excitable little girl, who we call wiggle bum for a reason. She is over excited when food is around and I wanted to try to work her with out it. I admit she does work well when there is food but others have said to try with another form of stimulus.

You could try to fix this problem by moving the food/stimulus away to a further distance while working, and then release him to it. Experiment with distance to the food target to work towards a managable drive level acceptable for learning.

Normally distance to the stimulus has a big effect on drive level.

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Its hard to explain why the food thing doesnt thrill me. I have used it before with our boy and very successfully, he is fantastic. Tina is a very excitable little girl, who we call wiggle bum for a reason. She is over excited when food is around and I wanted to try to work her with out it. I admit she does work well when there is food but others have said to try with another form of stimulus.

You could try to fix this problem by moving the food/stimulus away to a further distance while working, and then release him to it. Experiment with distance to the food target to work towards a managable drive level acceptable for learning.

Normally distance to the stimulus has a big effect on drive level.

Thanks dogdude, I'm on a mission now - as soon as I finish school reports and pups go and a whole lot of other time consuming stuff are over in the next week.

Thanks heaps to everyone

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Dog obsessed with food - sounds perfect for TID with food to me :rolleyes:

Better to work with the things that make them go nanas than to try to avoid them IMO, then they really want to do it, and if someone next to you has what they want they wont nick off to them for it, or lose their concentration on you

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  • 1 month later...

I remember when I first posted this I was full of drive and so was Tina.

Now there is only two weeks to the first trial we've entered and Murphy's Law has of course reased it's ugly head.

Tina has been in season, then CAssie came in to season and the dogs were still going gaga over Tina she smelt good I suppose) so that meant no training for 4 weeks and then last week it was absolutley pouring down and couldnt even get out the front door to go to training.

So its off to training tomorrow night and hoping that we can get enough training in over the next10 days to give her a fair chance of a couple of passes.

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