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My Puppy Has Broken Her Leg


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I'm devestated my 14 week old pup broke her leg last night. i was right there less than 1 metre away she was playing with our adult dog not rough play she jumped up to lick the adults face and just landed awkwardly she screamed like crazy and straight away her foot was swollen we thought it was her foot that broke we went straight to the vets who exrayed her green stick fracture. The vet said its the best type to have and wasn't displaced at all (OMG the best type to have great...). She has a splint with a bandage holding the leg still it will get changed every Tuesday for 4 weeks then re x ray.

I just can't believe it could happen so easily esp with no rough housing just an awkward landing i guess she misjudged. Vet assures us there will be no long lasting effects lets just hope.

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She sure has been in the wars. I wondered today if the worms might have zapped some of her calcium weakening her bones i will ask when we go to the vet on Tuesday for check up. Shes in a crate right now eating a pigs ear. She came to work with me today she got plenty of sympathy don't think the boss was to happy but nothing was said she was in her crate and i let her go for a toilet stop at morning tea afternoon tea and lunch time she seems pretty content all things considered. Looks like she will be one of thoses dogs that gets everything wrong. Poor baby. Someone at work told me to look out for demodex mites as her immune system will now be compromised yet another thing to ask the vet next week.

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Well i certainly will be more careful next time i thought it would be ok as i was literally right there she just landed awkardly nothing to do with big dog doing anything. never can be too careful i guess. what about socializing how do you do that if there is no play and at what age do you allow then to play supervised of course.

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Her worms could very well have zapped her bone, muscle or tendon strength. Seeing that she had worms I would also consider that the people that bred her weren't feeding her the appropriate diet so that could have played a part as well. Who knows.

I've heard of puppies jumping off things and getting fractures but can't recall them doing so in normal play.

Make sure you don't over feed her. She doesn't need the extra weight on her broken bone. Consider swapping the pigs ears or other such treats to veggies and fruit.

I'm 4 weeks into at least a 10 week rehab with Poppy so I can feel your pain. Just make sure you are very strict about not letting her walk or run around.

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Your poor little pug sounds a lot worse than my pp if you look at the x ray it is so straight the break looks like there is something drawn on the xray good thing for her was that it hadn't misalighned at all. Shes so good about it shes in the crate as well with a elizabethan collar in case she chews it when we aren't home but when we are home shes either in her crate on lead for a toilet stop or having a cuddle with the collar off. She doesn't even look like chewing it but just can't risk that she wont touch it when we aren't home it would really damage it i think if the cast came off while we were away and she moved around in her crate

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A friend of mine has an adult dog who broke his back leg just by jumping up to greet a friend, he landed awkwardly. But he is fine now and back in the show ring.

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Well i certainly will be more careful next time i thought it would be ok as i was literally right there she just landed awkardly nothing to do with big dog doing anything. never can be too careful i guess. what about socializing how do you do that if there is no play and at what age do you allow then to play supervised of course.

Doglova - really sorry to hear about your pup's accident. I can't see how you really could have prevented it happening, as dogs/pups will play. As for socialisation - seeing as she's so young I agree that it would be a concern to keep her isolated. Is it possible that you could take her to your dog school, but keep her safe and secure in your arms? Socialisation doesn't always have to be about dogs playing with dogs. It can just be about dogs being used to and comfortable in the presence of other dogs. And of course, socialisation is not just about other dogs either. Consider all the other worldly things in her environment that you might take for granted but that she needs to learn about. Hearing, seeing and smelling these sights and sounds would help considerably more than not.

Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery for your pup.

Edited by Erny
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  • 1 month later...

Just thought i'd post an update.

She was xray healed nicely.

she is now totally unbandaged.

We have made an appointment to see the physiotherapist on monday vet thinks she wont need physio but if it was a human you would so rather be safe than sorry shes a bit stiff in her stifle and still not totally weight bearing and absolutly no muscle tone.

Shes super excited not to have the elizabethan collar on now

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Fantastic news.

Swimming might be something you could look into.

Poppy just got her cast off a bit over a week ago and soft bandage off on Wednesday. I took her swimming at a hydro pool yesterday for the first time. It was a crack up.

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Wow i'd love to take her swimming the closest place i could take her is 2.5 hours each way so we will have to just do the physio. Shes off there today so see how we go. Everyday shes getting stronger on it. It was scary the first time we took the elastic bandage off every little sideways movement she would squeal or if she bumped it she would squeal i rang the vet and she said thats normal shes just guarding it but now she is doing ok still not much muscle but its been out of action for almost 5 weeks so will take a while to come back. I'll let you know what the physio says.

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