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Bleeding Teeth


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Can anyone offer me advice with Ruby's teeth this morning? Yesterday arvo when I got home she was really sooky and wasn't interested in going for a walk. She slept all afternoon then around dinner time I noticed that she was dribbling quite alot and her drool was blood coloured. Took a quick look in her mouth which she wasn't happy about - usually lets me look in her mouth easily. All of her front teeth were bleeding. I gave her soft food for dinner because I thought they would be paining her and froze an facewasher in beef stock for her to have a chew/lick on to see if would help releive her teeth - she wasn't interested.

This morning her teeth are still bleeding a fair bit and her breath is HORRIBLE!!! (from the blood?) she's still lethargic and not interested in anything much..

She's not yet 18 months old and I wouldn't have thought she would be having dental problems just yet.

Has she just hurt her front teeth on a stick/old bone she was probably chewing on or is it something more that will require a vet visit? I thought that if she'd hurt her mouth yesterday with a stick/bone it would have gotten better overnight but it hasn't really. I feel bad for her cos I don't know what she's done to her teeth?! It's hard taking wood away from her because she just gnaws on her wooden kennel if we don't put sticks there for her to chew.

Would pictures help if I can get some?

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I would be visiting a vet very soon. Blood should clot in the mouth very quickly so if she has had bleeding all night I would be rather worried.

I could be anything from injuring her teeth & gums by chewing on something to hard, ulcers, infection, blood clotting problems or even eating poison.

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ok.. here's some pics. You can see her gums are really swollen and there's blood all around the base of her teeth. Her poor little teefers look like nubbins because her gums are so swollen.

off to the vet me thinks.. soooo expensive.. lucky I just got my krudd money this morning I guess.



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I would be visiting a vet very soon. Blood should clot in the mouth very quickly so if she has had bleeding all night I would be rather worried.

I could be anything from injuring her teeth & gums by chewing on something to hard, ulcers, infection, blood clotting problems or even eating poison.

thanks puggy_puggy.. I am really beginning to wonder if there's something underlying with my puppy.. We've had bleeding problems with this girl previously - idiopathic juvenile renal haemorrhaging, haemorrhagic gastro. I have noticed bloody tears from her on more than one occasion.. You name any body part and it seems this girl will bleed from it.

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thanks puggy_puggy.. I am really beginning to wonder if there's something underlying with my puppy.. We've had bleeding problems with this girl previously - idiopathic juvenile renal haemorrhaging, haemorrhagic gastro. I have noticed bloody tears from her on more than one occasion.. You name any body part and it seems this girl will bleed from it.

Ohh the poor thing. Her gums do look very swollen. But it does look like the blood is a bit brown meaning it is old and has clotted.

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hmmm.. so back from the vets (really really should look into getting pet insurance OUCH!!!!) and I feel like we're back at square one after last years fiasco with her bleeding kidney's. The vet said it didn't look like infection or like it was just from chewing on sticks. He touched the side of her gum where I hadn't noticed bleeding and blood started oozing out.. it looked really weird!! She's never bled from her teeth/gums before so this is all new.

He took bloods and he's doing CBC, PTT and renal function tests to see if anything is wrong - all tests we had done with Ruby's previous bleeding - and I know what they're going to say to me tonight when the results come back through "hmm.. her clotting is normal, platelets normal we can't really explain why she's bleeding.. just let it go and come back in another week for further testing"

I encouraged him to call Ruby's previous vet to talk to him about all her bleeding issues.. I got the feeling he wasn't going to call. Do you think I should call my previous vet in case he could offer me advice? hehe he'd probably charge me for a phone consult or something.

I'm pretty sure they've tested for Von Willebrands before.. vaguely remembering my vet telling me that she didn't have it.

Anyway thanks for the prod to go to the vet.. don't know what's caused the bleeding gums but I hope it will resolve on its own (like all her bleeding usually does!!)

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Those teeth all look quite worn.. they are all flattened

Is she chewing on some kind of wire barrier.. like a gate or run?? Does she gnaw on concrete?

I'd be looking in the backyard for bloodstains on gates, concrete etc.

Edited by poodlefan
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Those teeth all look quite worn.. they are all flattened

Is she chewing on some kind of wire barrier.. like a gate or run?? Does she gnaw on concrete?

I'd be looking in the backyard for bloodstains on gates, concrete etc.

She's not in any run and there's no wire for her to chew on in the yard. She has never gnawed on concrete before and there's no blood marks out on the back area where it's paved. I looked in her mouth last week and all her teeth were normal looking then. I thought her teeth looked like that from the inflamed gums?

Would teeth become worn from chewing on wood?

We were at Orange Vet, I might give them a call.

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Those teeth all look quite worn.. they are all flattened

Is she chewing on some kind of wire barrier.. like a gate or run?? Does she gnaw on concrete?

I'd be looking in the backyard for bloodstains on gates, concrete etc.

She's not in any run and there's no wire for her to chew on in the yard. She has never gnawed on concrete before and there's no blood marks out on the back area where it's paved. I looked in her mouth last week and all her teeth were normal looking then. I thought her teeth looked like that from the inflamed gums?

Would teeth become worn from chewing on wood?

We were at Orange Vet, I might give them a call.

I think any obsessive chewing could flatten them.

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I hope not in a week though... maybe they were flatter though and my untrained eye just didn't notice. Her teeth didn't look anything like that - the inflammation wasn't there and she certainly wasn't bleeding.

Would wood chewing (even obsessive) cause both upper and lower gums to inflame and bleed continuously like that? There's no wood splinters in her gums - vet checked her teeth and he didn't say anything about her teeth being work down at only 16 months. I honestly hope they aren't bad at this age already..

Her wood chewing is out of boredom when I'm at work - even though there are tons of bones, peanut butter kong and other fun things. Wood is still her preferred chewing item.. gah!!

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i would ring them and have a chat, what vet did you see? They should be able to fax all her records to you or your new vet

She was seeing Andrew Litch.. I have her records with me as I made them print out a copy which I gave to the vet today. I guess because of her previous history with bleeding he wanted to run off and do all blood tests.

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I hope not in a week though... maybe they were flatter though and my untrained eye just didn't notice. Her teeth didn't look anything like that - the inflammation wasn't there and she certainly wasn't bleeding.

Would wood chewing (even obsessive) cause both upper and lower gums to inflame and bleed continuously like that? There's no wood splinters in her gums - vet checked her teeth and he didn't say anything about her teeth being work down at only 16 months. I honestly hope they aren't bad at this age already..

Her wood chewing is out of boredom when I'm at work - even though there are tons of bones, peanut butter kong and other fun things. Wood is still her preferred chewing item.. gah!!

These are questions for your vet but my lay persons guess is yes.. I gather she is a bit obsessive with chewing? That's not a set of teeth I'd expect to see on a young dog but I ain't an expert.

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i would ring them and have a chat, what vet did you see? They should be able to fax all her records to you or your new vet

She was seeing Andrew Litch.. I have her records with me as I made them print out a copy which I gave to the vet today. I guess because of her previous history with bleeding he wanted to run off and do all blood tests.

ahh ok, well fingers crossed they can work it out

poor girl

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These are questions for your vet but my lay persons guess is yes.. I gather she is a bit obsessive with chewing? That's not a set of teeth I'd expect to see on a young dog but I ain't an expert.

I'll talk to him about her teeth when he calls me tonight.. Surely I would have hoped that he would have noticed her teeth being worn down as the reason for her bleeding and inflammation instead of charging me through the eyeball for blood tests.

I wouldn't have thought obsessive with her chewing.. I'd say digging is more her OCD of behaviours. Chewing is something that she does also - only woods, not on anything else. Not enough for me to call obsessive though - she chews no more than any other dog of her age that enjoys chewing on sticks.. I've never discouraged it because I find it something that she will eventually grow out of.

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These are questions for your vet but my lay persons guess is yes.. I gather she is a bit obsessive with chewing? That's not a set of teeth I'd expect to see on a young dog but I ain't an expert.

I'll talk to him about her teeth when he calls me tonight.. Surely I would have hoped that he would have noticed her teeth being worn down as the reason for her bleeding and inflammation instead of charging me through the eyeball for blood tests.

My money would be on his diagnosis, not mine but it wouldn't hurt to check I suppose.

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