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Tail Chasing..


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So in the last week Fletcher has taken to tail chasing.. not his own, Hugo's!

He grabs on and wont let go. Hugo doesn't seem to be in pain, no yelping or anger from him - but he just kind of stands there waiting for it to end - ie. for me to notice and yell at Fletcher.

I feel sorry for Hugo, he's being very tolerant. What sort of long term damage does anyone know of that has resulted from tailing pulling? I'm guessing spinal etc. And how common is it?

i remember when Hugo was a pup he used to chase his tail which i thought was a cute puppy trait... i was promptly informed by a puppy school instructor that he must be discouraged as it could lead to future problems. to be honest, i don't think i ever did discourage it but he did grow out of it pretty quickly and i never actually think he 'got' his tail, just ran around chasing it.

Of course i'm doing my best to stop Fletcher pulling Hugo's tail, it's not happening all that often which makes it hard to teach him not to do it because a) i have to see it, and b) he needs to know exactly what i'm telling him off for.

So what i'm really writing to ask is.. what are these 'future problems' and do any of you know of any cases that are, or could be, a direct result of tail pulling.

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Sorry Misty did the same thing. Apparently a lot of Sammies like to do it.

Misty grew out of it and Lestat told him off it he was getting too rough, as I am sure Hugo would do if he was being hurt. But as Hugo is such a little man and not a big boofer like Lestat I would personally stop Fletcher from doing it as you have already stated you are doing.

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Pugs often hang onto eachothers tails when they are playing.

:thumbsup: Hugo - the pug - couldn't care less about Fletcher's tail, but maybe it's the pug tail that's just too tempting!

Thanks WS! Good to hear Fletcher's not the only naughty Sam on here! Hopefully he'll grow out of it before any damage is done :happydance:

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I would not leave it in the hope that he'll grow out of it- especially if he is grabbing and holding on?? You don't want to wait for the day that Hugo has to tell him off for what is essentially inappropriate play (assuming we are dealing with a grab and hold of the tail rather than mouthing, letting go frequently) or he willl learn that he can play with all dogs this way.

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