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Cleaning Room Before Puppy Comes Home


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I know this is a silly question, but i just need to ask, google is not my friend in this instance.

We're bring our new cocker spaniel pup home tomorrow, and her long term confinement area will be the Laundry (with her crate etc)

At the moment, the Laundry is where we feed the cats at night, but if we ever have other doggy guests, we feed them in our lounge room, so the cats are used to being fed in both places.

I want to give a very very thorough clean of the Laundry this afternoon, to get the cat food, cat food smell etc.

I'm guessing that using diluted bleach is not a good idea???

What else can i use as a cleaning agent that wont be potentially harmful to my pup?

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That's exciting, getting a new puppy. White vinegar & water is a good cleaning product & cheap to use & won't hurt the pup. The most important thing is not to leave anything on the floor that the puppy can get into like cleaning products & dirty cloths. Puppys just love getting into everything they shouldn't have. Even the laundry basket can be a target.

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i was thinking of using vinegar.... prob the best bet but i'm not sure. Is heavily diluted bleach bad?

Thanks for the advice luvsdogs

I would stay clear of bleach Kitty; even diluted it has a strong ammonia scent (remember dogs can pick up smells a hundred times better than us) that could make him think it is ok to wee there...

White vinegar, water and bicarb sodas are your friends :laugh:

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Vinegar is the thing to use!!

I used to even clean my pet Lizaard cage with it.

Gets rid of smells (the vinegar smell will go away fairly quickly)

Goodluck with you puppy :laugh:

ps.. its also great on stings from ants, bees and wasps.. and if you have itchy hands/feet.. Works a treat the good ole vinegar!!

Edited by bobchic
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oh cool - thanks wish4cockerspaniel :thumbsup: that Myo stuff sounds good.

i went with vinegar and boiling water - cleans up good, but smells horrid!!! going to wait an hour then go over again just with boiling water.

everything is ready now for the pup - it honestly hasn't sunk in yet that its all happening tomorrow - i've been waiting soooooo long!!!

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YUP white vinegar and bicarb are great.

Just a thought please ensure all chemicals even if they are in sealed containers are taken out even if they are up high they can be knocked down and cupboards and under sink cupboards can come open.

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slight side track....

I would stay clear of bleach Kitty; even diluted it has a strong ammonia scent

Bleach.... Sodium Hypochloride...can NOT smell like ammonia... ammonia is a completely different chemical.

a lot of the Ordinary 'disinfectants' contain ammonia compounds.. but not the bleaches.

Edited by persephone
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