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Hi there,

About 3 weeks ago (gee thats gone fast) I adopted a 6 year old Labrador female (desexed). She is predominatly an outside dog (as she was used to when she came to us). I would like to know if it is possible to train an older dog to toilet in a certain spot?? She won't "go" on the ashpalt/concrete areas, always on the grass area. There is a seperate grass patch which runs along the inside of our yard which ideally I would like her to use for her toiletting instead of the main grass part, where childrens play equipment etc is, but was wondering how I would go about training her to go in a certain spot if it is even possible??

Sorry if it's a silly question but am still very much a novice owner who was extremmly lucky to get a hassle free gorgeous doggie for her first dog :scold:

Thanks for any help :eek:


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