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Liver Disease


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Chelsea was vomitting for the last couple of days, took her to the vet yesterday, was at first suspect to be problem with pancreas. However, the blood test has shown that there is problem with liver.

I can't remember the name component in the blood test, but it has said that the range should be within a few hundreds, but Chelsea's blood test level was a few thousands for those component testing the liver, so mulitple times over the normal range. Red blood cell and white blood cell are normal.

She is now having the fluid and staying at the vet, and I am terribly worry. I wonder if it is life threatening for the blood test showing such an abnormal range on the liver functioning

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skwo2 your dog could have had an attack of pancreatitis which will affect the liver. If this was the case I would expect the readings to drop given time. Pancreatitis is frequently misdiagnosed as something else. I speak from experience.

ETA this is just a suggestion, I am certainly not saying that your dog definitely has pancreatitis.

Edited by Miranda
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She is now having the fluid and staying at the vet, and I am terribly worry. I wonder if it is life threatening for the blood test showing such an abnormal range on the liver functioning

Talk to your vet. These are questions he/she should discuss with you.

I hope Chelsea recovers soon. :cry:

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skwo2 your dog could have had an attack of pancreatitis which will affect the liver. If this was the case I would expect the readings to drop given time. Pancreatitis is frequently misdiagnosed as something else. I speak from experience.

ETA this is just a suggestion, I am certainly not saying that your dog definitely has pancreatitis.

The vet has also taken a sample of blood for tesitng pancreatitis, won't have the result until tomorrow. That was what the vet suspected last night.

However, the blood count test shows no sign of pancreatitis. All the components that are associated with liver are very high above the normal.

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Has your vet considered the possibility of a liver shunt?

Do you know if the vet did a bile acid test?

Not that I am aware of him doing a bile acid test. Does this test need a sample of bile to do? Or does it need some sort of needle getting into the liver to extract some bile?

Chelsea occassionally vomit out yellow bile, about once a month or so, but before she never lost appetite afterwards.

I just rang the clinic, and the vet nurse told me that Chelsea hasn't vomitted today, probably because she was given an injection to stop her vomitting last night. She is still on the fluid. I haven't got a chance to speak to the vet yet, as he is in surgery room now.

The plan is to keep Chelsea on fluid and stay at the vet overnight, and tomorrow they will do another blood test, and then at lunch time, they may know the result and will see

I am worrying for the worst. Is any type of liver disease life threatening?

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Yes please don't stress. :p She's only a bub yes? (I think a tentie is that right? :rofl: sorry if not) Could be viral, bacterial, vaccine reaction(?) - anything really.

And the little yellow vomits you mention that happen from time to time can just be a sign of an empty tummy, nothing more sinister. :rofl: Hoping for good news for you.

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Yes please don't stress. :p She's only a bub yes? (I think a tentie is that right? :rofl: sorry if not) Could be viral, bacterial, vaccine reaction(?) - anything really.

And the little yellow vomits you mention that happen from time to time can just be a sign of an empty tummy, nothing more sinister. :rofl: Hoping for good news for you.

Skwo has a Bichon Powerlegs.

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I was just on the phone to the vet, and he explained that if those figures (ALP, ALT, AST on the blood testing) are high for a long period of time, then it will be life threatening, that will mean there is some kind of damage to the liver for quite a while.

At this stage, he doesn't think that it is life threatening and hoping tomorrow's blood test can have some improving result.

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Thanks for the info.

The vet just called, her blood test shows some improvement, can't remember if it is ALT or ALP, it is dropping from 3600 to 2100, but the normal range should be 100. The decrease can be due to her being on IV and no food consumed.

Anyway, she will have an ultrasound today. Hope nothing too bad is happening.

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Thanks for the info.

The vet just called, her blood test shows some improvement, can't remember if it is ALT or ALP, it is dropping from 3600 to 2100, but the normal range should be 100. The decrease can be due to her being on IV and no food consumed.

Anyway, she will have an ultrasound today. Hope nothing too bad is happening.

The ultrasound should show up any abnormalities in the liver eg. liver shunt. I hope it turns out to be nothing serious :scold:

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Thanks for the info.

The vet just called, her blood test shows some improvement, can't remember if it is ALT or ALP, it is dropping from 3600 to 2100, but the normal range should be 100. The decrease can be due to her being on IV and no food consumed.

Anyway, she will have an ultrasound today. Hope nothing too bad is happening.

Encouraging news Skwo. :scold:

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