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Chelsea vomitted 3 times in the middle of Saturday night. They were yellow bile with some tiny pieces of bones. She had a beef t-bone and a lamb shank (most of the meat were taken off, I just let her to have a chew on the bones) On Sunday, she was ok and was eating well. Yesterday (Monday) morning, she was not interested in food, but she had some. Last night, she didn't eat her dinner, and also vomitted out some greenish yellow bile 3 times. This morning, I gave her very small amount of chicken liver (water boiled), and then she vomitted them out again with water.

I just took Chelsea to the vet. The vet had a feel on the tummy and took her temperature, everything was ok. The vet had suggested it can be a mild case of pancreatitis, so had taken a sample of blood for testing, now waiting for result. He had also given Chelsea some injection (I can't remember the name) to stop vomitting.


Will the injection make Chelsea very tired? cos she is very sleepy now

Anyone has their dog experiencing mild pancreatitis?

What else can it be the cause?


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Sorry to hear your dog is unwell. Were the bones cooked? or raw?. Bones should never be given cooked as they can cause problems. Someone else may have to answer you re the possible pancreatitis as I'm unfamiliar with that. Has she been anywhere lately where she may have picked up something "off" or maybe a bug of some sort? Is she pooing ok?

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Sorry to hear your dog is unwell. Were the bones cooked? or raw?. Bones should never be given cooked as they can cause problems. Someone else may have to answer you re the possible pancreatitis as I'm unfamiliar with that. Has she been anywhere lately where she may have picked up something "off" or maybe a bug of some sort? Is she pooing ok?

does she have any pain in her tummy at all, if so i would be back at the vet and have her xrayed incase of a blockage. One of our Standards had a chicken neck stuck in her intestines, the first vet we saw sent her homr to see if she would get over it during the day as she had a little runny poo and vomited once, she would not eat though. Our girl was in surgery for 3 hours her bowel and intestines were all affected, she got through Ok and you would never know but we are very careful of chicken necks now. Also would not feed Tbones or shanks, they splinter too much. Brisket bones are the best or Lamb back bones, or big marrow bones

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Sorry to hear your dog is unwell. Were the bones cooked? or raw?. Bones should never be given cooked as they can cause problems. Someone else may have to answer you re the possible pancreatitis as I'm unfamiliar with that. Has she been anywhere lately where she may have picked up something "off" or maybe a bug of some sort? Is she pooing ok?

does she have any pain in her tummy at all, if so i would be back at the vet and have her xrayed incase of a blockage. One of our Standards had a chicken neck stuck in her intestines, the first vet we saw sent her homr to see if she would get over it during the day as she had a little runny poo and vomited once, she would not eat though. Our girl was in surgery for 3 hours her bowel and intestines were all affected, she got through Ok and you would never know but we are very careful of chicken necks now. Also would not feed Tbones or shanks, they splinter too much. Brisket bones are the best or Lamb back bones, or big marrow bones

The bones are raw.

Chelsea's poo was ok last night, no poo today cos no/little food consumed.

We went to the beach on the weekend, just to have a run. Not the first time we have been to there.

What part of the animal's body are the brisket bones located? I gave Chelsea some big marrow bones and she had probem in chew, she is only a bichon frise. :)

There is no pain in her tummy at all when the vet touched her.

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Sorry to hear your dog is unwell. Were the bones cooked? or raw?. Bones should never be given cooked as they can cause problems. Someone else may have to answer you re the possible pancreatitis as I'm unfamiliar with that. Has she been anywhere lately where she may have picked up something "off" or maybe a bug of some sort? Is she pooing ok?

does she have any pain in her tummy at all, if so i would be back at the vet and have her xrayed incase of a blockage. One of our Standards had a chicken neck stuck in her intestines, the first vet we saw sent her homr to see if she would get over it during the day as she had a little runny poo and vomited once, she would not eat though. Our girl was in surgery for 3 hours her bowel and intestines were all affected, she got through Ok and you would never know but we are very careful of chicken necks now. Also would not feed Tbones or shanks, they splinter too much. Brisket bones are the best or Lamb back bones, or big marrow bones

The bones are raw.

Chelsea's poo was ok last night, no poo today cos no/little food consumed.

We went to the beach on the weekend, just to have a run. Not the first time we have been to there.

What part of the animal's body are the brisket bones located? I gave Chelsea some big marrow bones and she had probem in chew, she is only a bichon frise. :cry:

There is no pain in her tummy at all when the vet touched her.

My girls suffers with chronic pancreatitias. When she was finally diagnosed with it the vet also felt her tummy and she didn't cringe or seem to be in pain. Yet she will stand there hunched up in pain and can't lay down and is unsettled.

No testing is 100% accurate for pancreatitias. I hope you get the right diagnosis soon.

Let us know how she goes..... poor darling!

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