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On-going Cracked Nose

4 Paws

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One of my gsd's has had a crack on her nose for at least 6 months that I can remember

I had her to the vets back in Oct with a shoulder problem and asked vet about it she said it was not infected so not to worry about it but it's still cracked and obviously sore as if you knock it she whines.It runs up ,just beside the nostril.I have tried various things over that time,vaseline,pawpaw cream,am-o-lin and bepanthanon but nothing seems to be healing it,obviously se licks it off straight away as well

Anyone have any remedies to try

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With the cream on the nose, the best thing is to put it on and then feed her straight away so she is busy thinking about something other then what is on her nose (I've done this with an elderly dog I had and it healed up within days)

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Our dog often gets a cracked nose and the best advice I was given from DOL was to use paw paw ointment, that you can readily get from chemists. Let me tell you, it's a miracle ointment! Henschke had a cracked nose recently and in 3 days, I couldn't find which side was the saw one!

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One of my Saints used to get a cracked nose until someone suggested I changed her feeding bowl. This worked! She must've had an allergic reaction to what the bowl was made from or perhaps the angle of the corners. No idea, but it worked.

There is also a proper word for some types of cracked noses. If it looks kind of feathery there is a Saint person who had a similar problem but has gotten on top of it (some of of skin issue but hers was on the paws). I think it was BigDog Lover so might be worth a PM as she has pics for comparison.

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There is also a proper word for some types of cracked noses. If it looks kind of feathery there is a Saint person who had a similar problem but has gotten on top of it (some of of skin issue but hers was on the paws). I think it was BigDog Lover so might be worth a PM as she has pics for comparison.

i would be interested in these photos, Atlas has always had furry paw pads... it doesnt seem to worry him at all, been like it for years... i have never seen it on another dog before.

As for cracked nose, i also use paw paw, but you have already tried that... how does the dog drink? I know Atlas sticks his whole nose in the bowl and water drys my hands out? Maybe a fountain for a while to stop the dog sticking their nose under the water? (ok, i really dont know, just trying to think of ideas for you :laugh: )

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Cassie has had a dry cracked nose since we rescued her. We have tried EVERYTHING. The vet said it was Collie nose. The steriod cream was the most effective for us. But she would just lick it straight off :laugh:

It seems to be okay in some seasons and worse in others.

I wish you luck with it :rofl:

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A friend of mine with one of my offspring has the same problem .

We have tried everything but found paw paw ointment good ,

also vit e capsule squeezed onto nose

.panalog available from vets & also giving fish oil tabs helped .

All worth a try :laugh:

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Hi 4 Paws

I recently had this problem with Asher.

His nose was desert dry and cracked, flaky and obviously sore.

I asked the good peeps of DOL and they all gave me fab advice, as those up there :thumbsup: have also given you.

I started on Paw Paw and then moved to Vasoline as Asher liked the taste of Paw Paw way too much!!

The vasoline stayed on better being thicker and he didnt lick it as much. I put it on his nose about 8 times a day. I also agree with the feeding after you put it on to distract your dog but all you can do in the end is put it on!

It took about 7 weeks before any sign of improvement happened, but it did eventually get better.

If you have a plastic water bowl or dog food bowl for your dog change it immediately to stainless steel.

The plastic bowls have a substance in the plastic that could be contributing to your dogs dry nose. Sounds silly, but its true! It may not affect your dog, but you never know.

Asher was on Cortisone for a skin allergy and as much as the Vet said it was not the tablets giving him the dry nose, I think it was. Only because it started about a week after he went on the tabs, and went away about 2 weeks after he stopped them. coincidence........maybe :laugh:

I hope the advice from everyone helps you and your furkid :rofl:

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