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I have an approx 10 year old shih tzu who up until last week was eating this: http://www.pookinuk.com.au/product-selecte...p?productID=328 with raw chicken pet mince from the butcher, however he has recently lost all his teeth apart from his 4 front teeth, bless him, and i was wondering if i could cut the biscuits out all together and just feed the mince? would that be sufficient for him?

Also :vomit:

I was wondering what a good age to stop feeding puppy formula is? two of my dogs have turned one year now however i also have two young pups which i'm planning on buying this for: http://www.pookinuk.com.au/product-selecte...p?productID=415 but was wondering if my other two would still be okay to have these aswell instead of changing to adult formula..?


Edited by Kyra
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