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Well beautiful girl you have been gone for a year . :wave:

I still cry so much when I think of you. :(

its raining again today the way it was when you left us. :)

At least you have your Buddy boy with you now too. :)

God, both of you in such a short time. :cry:

Hope you have all the balls to chase, that you want, and dont give Buddy too hard a time :cry:

miss you both so, so much :cry:

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I'm sure they are both sitting up there watching over you CB. it is hard to not think of passed love ones without feeling deep pain so cry as much as you need to. Anyone who as been in your shoes will understand. Those who don't have never had the special bond you shared with your fur kids.

Go give Brydee and Desmo an extra big hug. They will make you feel a little better, till they get into more trouble when you will wonder why you are doing it all again :wave:

Hugs to you and your family CB. May your pain be less with every passing day :(

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In 2 months it will be the 6th anniversary of the passing of one of mine and I can tell you it still brings me to tears even now.

I found a statue before she passed that you would swear was modeled off of her image. It sits above my screen on a shelf and I look at it every day and have a chat with her (sad? maybe but I still feel her here).

You have a big heart CB and I bet you will feel this pain for many years to come sadly. But that is the testament to just how much Carli and Bubby meant to you.

Ok I am crying for you now too. Sorry I'm not much help am I :wave:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks RMC

yes I think of her with smiles especially when I see her pictures or think of how naughty she was :rofl: and how she would throw the balls in the clothes basket on top of the clean clothes cause I wasnt throwing it quick enough for her,she was a sweet puppy.Poor old Buddy she never let him rest :thumbsup: I can just see her running him ragged.Pupies they never stop do they.

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