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Ear Mites


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Take your dog to the vet, it may or may not have ear mites and you need to find out exactly what's wrong so your dog can receive the appropriate treatment. Please don't mess around with ear problems, if the dog has some form of infection you need to get on top of it quickly. Chronic ear problems in dogs are common, once an infection becomes established it can be extremely difficult to clear up completely.

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Is there any medicated ear drops that I can buy over the counter at the pet shop, that may kill ear mites?

Not advisable.... because

Does brown 'wax' necessary represents ear mites?


There could be several things happening- and unless you are very familiar with your dog, its anatomy and all the causes of ear pain/scratching, etc.. head to the vet to find out for certain! :p

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I have taken Chelsea to the vet 3-4 months ago, at that time, the vet checked, and nothing was found.

Chelsea has always been scratching around the back of her neck, the vet hasn't got any idea what may have caused. We also had a dust mites allergy testing, but it wasn't the cause.

Any other ideas?

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did the vet look at the wax under the microscope? If not get them checked to see what is the right thing to use. Do not trust a vet that just hands you tubes of creams and washes without looking under a microscope first.

scratching can also be mildly habitual particularly if there is not outward sign. She could also have a sore disc in her neck and dogs can scratch if there is mild pain as well.

if her skin is good and the diet is good then I would start thinking of visiting the chiro.

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Chelsea eats raw meat, either lamb or chicken, and cooked fish, and some vegetables, so I don't think it can be related to the diet.

She scratches quite badly, sometimes till it bleeds.

Do you use a spot treatment on her neck?

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Chelsea eats raw meat, either lamb or chicken, and cooked fish, and some vegetables, so I don't think it can be related to the diet.

She scratches quite badly, sometimes till it bleeds.

It is proabbly best to assume the new ear problem is not related to the old problem, go to the Vets again, even a different Vet for another opinion.

My girl had an ear infection and the drops the Vet gave me worked well, later she had an allergy problem which was not related.

Dont assume BARF means not a cause, as I have Staffy's Ive had numerous Vets tell me not to feed my girls raw meat because it can cause allergy's. I still do feed them a mixture of BARF and kibble.

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Chelsea eats raw meat, either lamb or chicken, and cooked fish, and some vegetables, so I don't think it can be related to the diet.

She scratches quite badly, sometimes till it bleeds.

Could still be yeast,was she ever on antibiotics,maybe her gut flora never came back to normal.

Yeast causes itching by leaking out of the gut and working it's way out through the skin.

Common sites are around the muzzle,eyes,ears and inside them. Paws,back of the neck and armpits.

I have one allergic dog,so bad though he is on raw I cannot feed vegetables at all,sugar content.


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The vet has put a microscope (not sure if that's how you call it, it is a ear checking tool, with a lens to magnify) into Chelsea's ear to have a look, he said it is ok.

Is it necessary for the vet to actually swipe out the wax, and put it under the microscope to see if there is ear mite?

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