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Does Teething Cause And Bad Breath?


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Hi, just a quick question. Does teething cause bad breath?

Daisy is 5 months now and since Thursday night has had bad breath. At first I just assumed it was the smell of her beef bone on her breath but the smell has continued.

She is off to be desexed on Monday but if there may be something wrong with her I would rather sort that out first.



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Yes, most puppies get stinky breath when their baby teeth are falling out and new ones coming in. Give her some meaty bones to chomp on to speed the process up a bit, but really, it's just a matter of living through it and holding your breath for puppy kisses!

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It's the dried blood combined with saliva that stinks. I have been told to wipe down the gums with some water added with a touch of bi-carb. If the smell really bothers you, you can try a spray bottle with diluted bi-carb and spray onto the gums. Easier than having to use a cotton swab to wipe. But not too sure if the bi-carb is safe enough but we do use it in our baking so I suppose a tiny bit wouldnt hurt.

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Thanks for replying!

She does get meaty beef bones and chicken wings to help keep her teeth in good shape but I was a little concerned she may have developed a tooth infection. She is still happy, eating and running riot so I'm sure now it's just due to teething.

Thanks again

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Yep - if it's a meaty smell (which I guess it must be since you said you thought it was her beef bone) that's pretty normal. Anything that smells off or rotten isn't. Usually passes pretty quickly without you doing anything.

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Yeah, my boy has just over 5 months and his breath smells pretty bad at the moment. Never smelt at all before now. He is definitely teething, we've been finding his baby ones all over the place! Hope it gets better soon...

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