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Discomfort/reluctance When Jumping Into Car Or Bed


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I have a 1yo female lab. I've noticed lately that she is reluctant in jumping up onto our bed or up into the car (a lancer so it's fairly low to the ground)

About two weeks ago OH was kneeling on the ground and he put Scouts front legs up onto his chest as he patted her. She yelped when she was on two legs. I made an appointment at the vet, the following day.

They checked her out said she had good movement in her legs and elbows. Also said she has good flexibility in them to they said they couldn't find any sore spots on her.

I was worried about HD, but vet wasn't concerned and said she may have had a sprain and was still worried about it hurting when she jumped. We gave her two weeks of limited exercise and today we went to the beach. As we got to the car to leave for the beach she put her front legs on the seat and tried to pull herself up rather than jumping up.

At the beach she had time on lead and a little off lead as I didn't want her to have too much free running time.

She doesn't look uncomfortable running or getting down from the car; it’s the getting up part that has me worried. She is fine getting up off the ground after a sleep.

She got onto the lounge tonight and gave a little whine when she got up. I have also noticed she occasionally will nip at the area above her left hip (kind of like as if something is bitting her)

I'm wondering if I should see a physio or chiro about it. And was hoping someone might be able to recommend one in the Wollongong area or within an hour drive of Wollongong.


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Hi Black Magic

We have recently been through the same thing with Asher, although he didnt show signs of pain.

I visited my Vet twice and after 3 weeks of rest and slowly getting back to exercise he is doing well. I am still a little concerned about one of his legs, but I think I may be over-reacting. I monitor it every day and if it does go bad then I will take him to a chiro, but at this point he's fine.

My point here is that if you are still worried even though your Vet has said she is fine, go to another Vet.

You know your Lab better than anyone. Get a second opinion. Vet or Chiro, either or.

I hope she gets better soon and I hope you get some good recommendations.

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