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Helping The Coat Grow Faster


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Hi all,

I sure this has been brought millions of times and everyone has been in this sitiuation.

I have a cavalier boy that I show, who dropped coat really bad this season and is taking a bit longer to get it back. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions to help it come back a bit faster. I'm not after quick fix just something that people have tried and worked.

Any comments would be appreciated

Thanks in advance :happydance2:

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Nothing will make a dog's coat grow faster. Feeding good food, ensuring your dog has plenty of fats in his diet and taking care of every hair will help to keep the coat in optimum condition, but quantity, length and rate of growth are dictated by your dog's genetics.

Finding a substance or supplement that increases the rate of growth would be the equivalent of finding the Holy Grail, if you find one please let me know :happydance2:

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Hi all,

I sure this has been brought millions of times and everyone has been in this sitiuation.

I have a cavalier boy that I show, who dropped coat really bad this season and is taking a bit longer to get it back. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions to help it come back a bit faster. I'm not after quick fix just something that people have tried and worked.

Any comments would be appreciated

Thanks in advance :happydance2:

I have both westies and lakeland and have used Groomers Royal Jelly shampoo with great success to encourage the coat to grow it is not a quick fix but does work.

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You could also try tipping the coat. I do it about every six to eight weeks, it looks better than allowing the coat to grow long and straggly. Although you're shortening the coat, your dog will actually look as though he has more hair with the straggly bits removed and he'll look tidier and generally better groomed. Also make sure that you wash pee feathers regularly (I do it every day) otherwise the urine will burn what coat you have and it will become brittle and break off.

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I think nearly everyone is in the same boat the extreme heat has playde havoc.

Us perth people have just coped 5 days of 34/35 & my boys are blowing there top coats agian & today is humid so its a caes of :rolleyes:

They have been living with the aircon on to keep there coats sane.

As miranda said good diet & maintenance & removing the dead coat as quick as possible even if it looks worse ,the quicker the crappy coat is fully out the better the regrowth will be .

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You could also try tipping the coat. I do it about every six to eight weeks, it looks better than allowing the coat to grow long and straggly. Although you're shortening the coat, your dog will actually look as though he has more hair with the straggly bits removed and he'll look tidier and generally better groomed. Also make sure that you wash pee feathers regularly (I do it every day) otherwise the urine will burn what coat you have and it will become brittle and break off.

Probably best not - Cavaliers are supposed to be completely untrimmed for the showring :wink:

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You could also try tipping the coat. I do it about every six to eight weeks, it looks better than allowing the coat to grow long and straggly. Although you're shortening the coat, your dog will actually look as though he has more hair with the straggly bits removed and he'll look tidier and generally better groomed. Also make sure that you wash pee feathers regularly (I do it every day) otherwise the urine will burn what coat you have and it will become brittle and break off.

Probably best not - Cavaliers are supposed to be completely untrimmed for the showring :wink:

I'd still trim & have done so on a show cavie.If the coat is growing in all sorts of lengths it will always look moth eating.All your doing is evening up the coat so it regrows at the same length.

Very few cavies need this but watching a cavie that looks like edward scissorhands attacked it during a coat drop isnt pleasant

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