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Fear Biting


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I recenlty got a new fur baby, shes 11 months old and fear bites.

I think before I got her she was locked in a kennel and run, and wasn't socialised with other people.

I have had her for 1 month, and shes gone from shaking and hiding in a corner, to running up and licking the tips of my fingers and dashing off and the racing back for another lick.

She never gets close enough to touch...

I dont try to pat her I just wiggle my fingers and she will lick them and run.

I started off by fully ignoring her, because even my voice would freak her out.

Will she ever let me pat her????????????

advice would be great.

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I recenlty got a new fur baby, shes 11 months old and fear bites.

I think before I got her she was locked in a kennel and run, and wasn't socialised with other people.

Hi :rofl:

Why did you choose this particular pup?

You may need to contact a professional trainer to help you here- it could be a long slow process. Sounds as if sh is already starting tho :)

Hand feed her!

If she wants to eat- she does it off your hand. EVERY morsel. Same with drinking. She wants to drink you hold the bowl.

We have done this with dogs to whom humans meant nothing much.

Feeling sorry for her and trying to give affection won't help... IMO :cry:

Letting her see that from YOU she gets food and drink, and treats... that's a very good thing.

Evreytime you try & touch her, and she ducks away- she has learnt that she CAN !! Not a good lesson.

She must learn- in her own way- that she needs to come to you safely- for her nourishment.

Avoid eye contact, and speech for the first little while. Just sit quietly, with a handful of roast chicken or something.... and water bowl.... several times a day. If she is hungry /thirsty- she will come .

When did/does she fear bite?

Edited by persephone
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fear biting, this has only happened once it was the first day we got her.

But I know if I attempt to get close it would happen again.

She was no doubt terrified of the plane ride, as well as being a dog that has never been socialized. I didnt know she was like this before I got her.

The breeder said she was fine.

I dont care if she is a problem dog I have months years to sort it out. Im in no Hurry. Altho a hug one day would be my dream or even a pat.

I have other dogs and she gets on well with them.

When Im sitting out side playing with all of my dogs shes free to do as she pleases.

I sit on a half round drum and put out my hands and all my dogs lick them etc, lol one will run up my back and sit on my shoulder.

She will while my hands are out to all the dogs run up now and lick them then dash off.

Before this she would hide in the corner of the section and shake and growl at me.

I dont have contact with her only when she chooses.

I would love to pat her, but know shes not wanting that contact.

When im standing up she will run behind me and lick my pants and stand on her back feet and paw my legs.

So will all of my other dogs, some will leap in my arms at differant times..

Edited by nzminifoxys
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I'm no expert, but I agree getting her to take food/drink from your hands is an important step.

Also you could try crouching down in her vicinity, allowing her to come close but don't make any attempt to reach out to her - basically ignore her. Let her come to you. Stay there for a while and if nothing happens just leave. She will learn to trust you in time - like you said, you have lots of time to work with her. Just be patient and try not to push her, let her work it out in her own time but give her a helping hand by trying to get her to eat from your hands etc. If she won't at first, have the food somewhere near you and bring it in closer over time - whatever she can handle.

I'd be asking alot of questions to the person you got her from. For a dog to be shaking and growling in the presence of someone has some serious issues - and is not 'fine' as the breeder said.

Poor bugger, glad she has you now :thumbsup:

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I've had a few dogs like this, one sat on the sofa and bared his teeth at me for 3 weeks. I give them time but I also think that because I have other dogs, they often learn by watching them interact with me.

It's never quick but you are on the right track. I am very surprised she came from a breeder, mine have been abused and dumped but you would expect more from a breeder surely??

Anyhow, I think a behaviouralist's advice would be great and very reassuring for you, I'm sure you'll make progress but it will take a while and lots of love and patience. Best of luck.

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The breeder isn't a KC Breeder nor is the dog a papered dog.

She was a wee girl that I fell in love with over the Internet.

After watching her for sale for a few months and no one taking her I just decided to Buy her.

He is a farmer so I'm assuming she was in a kennel and run.

When I phoned him he said he had 9 dogs, and breed them. Miniature Fox terriers for rodent hunting etc.

All of his photos were of her in a kennel and run with a number of other canines.

I also believe that she is pregnant...so with her currant behaviour/ state I will not be able to get her to the vets.

Also thank you for the food advice, I have tried this and she ate from my hand two times. I left the rest for her to eat in a bowl.

:thumbsup: such a small thing is Huge for us both :thumbsup:

when this issue is resolved I will need to get her fixed....I cant even get her treated etc until shes manageable at a vets.

She has no collar, nor would I try to get one on her at this point in time.

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Tricky situation to be in if she is pregnant. She needs security and good food for her and the potential litter she has growing inside of her.She needs to get to a vet ASAP for a check up and diagnosis on roughly when she is due and so forth.

Can you raise a litter?

Keep feeding her and plenty of fluids,she needs attention, how could you take her home given she is this nervy?

Please get her to a vet.

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I was under the impression from the add on the Internet that she was a lovely dog, I spoke to the farmer over the phone and emails a number of times about her.

So It was a mistake to not meet her first, but its happened and I cant change it.

taking her to a vets would mean capturing her, Im not so sure thats a good idea.

yes I have experience in raising a litter also...and alot of support from breeders of chihuahuas and Pomeranians that I know local to me

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Okay I understand now,you bought her sight unseen fair enough. I highly recommend she get to a vet, you see she could need assistance with whelping and currently she may not be strong enough mentally/physically with the demands of raising a litter.She will also need her offspring taken care of and checked at birth,how can this be done if you cannot even get to"capture" her? I would carefully consider if this bitch should whelp at all given she is fragile.She could be in the very beginning of her pregnancy therefore not too late to abort.The vet will be able to advise after they see her.Lure her to you via food and loop the lead around her neck.Please get help.

On a side note here, you know she will transfer these negative behaviours towards people in her litter,then you will have numerous fragile dogs on your hands.I don't think that is something you want.All her pup's will see, is a worried mother and naturally they will learn to fear humans.

Please seek out a vet.


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Thats a very good point :0)

I will call a vet in the morning and talk to them.

Thank you for your advice.....

i may even ask if they can do a home visit which may make life easier for her.

Is there a sedative they can give her to relax her and check her? that wont harm the pups if shes to far into the pregnancy?

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My friend had to catch a nasty dog the other week and got a tranq from the vet, fed it to the dog and that's how she managed.

As a poster said above, I would recommend not allowing her to continue with any pregnancy. Probably won't cope and whelping/raising pups is a massive job even if you have a great and cooperative mother!

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if she is used to a kennel run then put her into one ASAP. We like to think a new found 'freedom' is liberating - in fact it can be terrifying. ALso frightened dogs left to run about have a high chance of injury, destruction or escape with little chance of capture.

I would be setting her up a run and start of by just feeding her twice a day, ignore her completely until she settles in. I would be using a travel crate instead of a kennel so if you need to take her somewhere she will immediately feel secure inside. Less is more with dogs like this, flooding can be dangerous unless you are trained. The more you ignore and stick to a routine with her the less she will show shying behaviors - a dog will not do something if it does not have the desired effect. You will gradually see her get closer but keep ignoring her until she starts wanting attention.

If she is pregnant I would be desexing her instead of allowing her to have puppies - she is backyard bred, she is insecure, frightened and no guarentee of being a good mother. All these hormones would not be having a great effect on her either and placing her under more stress.

You need probably medication and behavior modification with a professional in order to help this dog long term. They can be snapped out of it, I have done it before, but you also need to be realistic in your expectations. She may never be a pet dog that snuggles in your lap all the time, she may never be stable enough to leave the property or she may come round. Take baby steps and if its not going to happen then leave her in her comfort zone.

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