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Camera Shy


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Just a question...my 14yr old dog has a fear of lightning. Ever since she saw the flash on my camera she has decided lightening is not of nature but of nikon. Thus even the sight of my camera bag is enough to make her flee in fright :laugh:

In your experience have you seen this behaviour before. Am I destined to never get a phot of my lovely old lady?

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god i have the other problem if my dogs see a camera they all think they are going for a run and get very exited :D i never use a flash and take all my pic's out side while the dogs are doing what they do best and thats being themselves, here is a couple of pic's so you can see what i mean








you can get some very nice pic's if you just wait, sit / stand around with the camera just have it turned on before you step out the door get rid of the stupid flash if you need to lighten your pic's just use picasa to fix them up, i always have the camra with me when i am doing things with the dogs

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Camera is not a problem here - coz all she has to do is sit or sit then run or sit then wave and hey presto FOOD treat. She actually waits til the camera clicks and then knows she can move - usually closer and get food. Dog will do anything if payment is involved. However if you forget to pay (such as she gets the paper in and presents and gets paid and then you dont pick it up so she represents and gets nothing) she either gets under your feet as you have obviously forgotten or in the case of the paper reclaims it and takes it back to her bed and then sits on it!

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Redangel, if flash is a problem then i'd definitely avoid it, take her outdoors or place her right next to a window during daytime. If even the sight of the camera/bag makes her nervous, then i guess maybe have her get used to it gradually? Leave the camera out (if it's safe to do so), have her 'acclimatise' to it, gradually working towards pointing it (not at her) an firing off a few shots (of nothing in particular, just to get her used to the sound of the shutter release), then see if she can handle having it pointed at her? Not sure if it'll work but worth a try. Good luck!

Edited by ruffdiamond
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Thank you for the ideas. I have a week or so off work I will try the tricks youve suggested....maybe I can teach this old dog new tricks. Being 14 she is not so easily distracted, but we will work with the camera bag and move up.

Royall...Love the pic of your puppy herding....bet he doesnt run from lightening!

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