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Is Three A Crowd?

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Hi fellow doggy people,

I have a question, I have two girls at home whom I adore and can't wait to get home to.I work part time,kids are school and uni age.

I groom them,walk them, play with them and yes sometimes sleep with them or I should say they sleep with hubby and I. I adore them.

Well have been feeling like I should add another treasure to my family??????? I would love to have a little boy now. Am I mad or should I go for it.

The breed is mini schnauzers and the girls are desexed and so will he if I go ahead. Is it the right thing to do or should I leave it alone.


Edited by luv mini schnauzers
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go for it. i have the two in my sig + another and would not rule out a 4th

ETA: more.

having a 3rd dog depends on your financial and mental stability, whether you can provide it all the love it needs, the nieghbors should be okay with the current noise level at your property and should be fine with you having another. Will your dogs appreciate/accept/adoe another dog? is everyone in the house wanting another?

theres a lot to ask yourself, but in your situation you'd be fine

Edited by Bonnie Parker
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i think it depends on your current dogs.

I couldnt have a 3rd, my 2 dogs get along well most of the time, but both have their problems :rofl: a 3rd wouldnt make life any easier at all

But if i had 2 laid back dogs, i would probably think about it!

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This might sound odd, but can u just mind/borrow/foster a third dog and give it try first? I have 2 dogs and sometimes mind a third for friends/family. But it is surprising how much harder it is walking three dogs instead of two. I guess that's because we only have two hands.

Edited by chuckie500
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Hi fellow doggy people,

I have a question, I have two girls at home whom I adore and can't wait to get home to.I work part time,kids are school and uni age.

I groom them,walk them, play with them and yes sometimes sleep with them or I should say they sleep with hubby and I. I adore them.

Well have been feeling like I should add another treasure to my family??????? I would love to have a little boy now. Am I mad or should I go for it.

The breed is mini schnauzers and the girls are desexed and so will he if I go ahead. Is it the right thing to do or should I leave it alone.


Absolutely, triple the pleasure. :laugh:

The only downside to having three is the vet bills.

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Personally i would say no because many people under estimate what 3 can mean & what happens if it goes wrong.Yes minis are very social creatures BUT 3 can be a crowd.

Also ensure your council regs allow 3 & then consider what having 3 will cost.

Even though you groom yourself grooming the 3 dog can be a chore for some .

So maybe consider when hubby & you sit at night do you have one dog each??

I sit night with 8 minis all craving for top spot,most go off & play in groups.

Some arent as group orientated as others & prefer people time instead of play time.

Also the ages we see who does what ,where & when.

Only you will now if 2 is practical or enjoyable & whether you want the 3 for a good reason because as i say if it doesnt work out which one will you rehome??

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I think it depends on the dogs and their personalities. I wouldn't add another to my pack as Grumpy is grumpy and Mini fits his personality. It would be hard to find a dog that fitted in with both of them and I think it would be unfair to Mini, in particular.

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Im probably getting no 3 dog this year and I had to go to the council for a permit, had to have an enclosed run so many meters from the house and all the neighbors had to sign to say they didnt mind.Itd probably pay to check with your council before you get the dog coz some councils wont give permits.Im in Vic it might be different in other states.

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Absolutley go for it :):(

You sound like a perfect home and great owner, you already have two who i assume get along and are social, and as long as you can afford it financially, i say the more the merryer!

I have 4 and counting :p :cry:

Edited by k9kutz
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I had my two Shar Pei and was happy

Then I brought a foster dog into my home and she settled right in, they accept, love and teach her, she is part of their pack

I foster dogs regulary and they have never accepted another dog they way they have her

I did not choose to have a third dog, they choose for me

Do you think your girls would enjoy having another dog as company?

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4 was a deal breaker for me, we made it work but boy it was hard at times.

I was sent a pup though from interstate and unfortunately when he came up the ranks my old boy gave in- not what I had assumed would happen!!! Their personalities just didn't gel.

3 is very different to 2 so choose your pup carefully, I find with 3 one little ratbag is always doing stuff behind your back when you're not looking- and the ratbag role is interchangeable- it's like organised crime!! :laugh: :D

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