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Dumb Things You've Done


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Thought this might be a light hearted subject before we break for a few days and possibly take the cameras out of their pack. Has anyone done dumb things when using their camera that have resulted in a bad shot, no shot or just plain slap yourself on the forehead moments?

I did something like this 2 weeks ago. Packed my backpack (have a Lowerpro nature trekker which is fantastic for walking) for a hike up the Blue Mountains. Did the hike, sat on this beautiful gorge ledge taking in the scenery and then back down the hill again for lunch. OH went to light the bbq at the picnic spot and I went off to stalk some birdies. I had myself in a good position, crouched down low and ever so still, the birds got used to me so the 70-200 was close enough for a shot. Clicked away and no CF card! I had left it stuck in the computer at home. :laugh: I was so annoyed at myself.

Then I whinged to OH who said, oh well I'll just have to enjoy the hiking without taking a single photo. I thought he was mad, what about the sunset shots I wanted? :p

Then as if to taunt me, 3 gang gangs flew right near us (mum, dad and junior), close enough for my 70-200 and just hung around as we ate our lunch, serenaded by the clack clacking noise they make. I'm sure that, had the CF card been in my camera, they would never have shown up so close to us as that is always the way, right?

So, I insisted on driving the 15km into Lithgow, went into Harvey Norman, he had ONE flash card left but it was the 16g one and they are pricey. As if I will ever need that much space. He saw I was disappointed so he made me an offer on it, I offered a bit lower and I got it for a good discount (he must have felt sorry for me). I was happy after that and we drove to Hassells Wall and then to Blackheath and I got to try out my lens. Spent Earth Hour looking at the 3 sisters by floodlight.

Now the spare flash card stays permanently in my backpack - I'm so hopeless with forgetting things like that.

I also left the ISO on at 400 when photographing a scene with the camera on the tripod before I noticed it and the same day too. :)

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Some months back I visited a bird hide - a rare bird had been visiting and there

was lots of talk amongst birdos. The hide was packed with admirers, some had

flown from interstate. Everyone was quiet and still as the bird came into view.

I had just changed my lens and one was resting on the bench seat. Lens roll

roll rolling BANG!!!!!!!! (it fell). I stood there in shock and waiting for everyone

to abuse me and the rare bird to be frightened off.

I looked up, the bird had not flinched and people continued on with their

quiet birdwatching LOL. The lens was fine and I got great shots, everyone was

in good spirits but it could have been a disaster.

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Slap your forehead moments...

Umm, the major one that comes to mind..

Take photos of Barkly down the beach, beautiful morning, blue sky, flat blue water, clean white sand, brand new white sneakers to chew on...fantastic photos!

Go back to the car, place camera on ground next to car, put Barkly in car, drive home.

Notice anything?

Yup, camera still sitting on ground.

20D, 70-200 2.8 IS, memory card...and the photos!!!!

Went back to the spot, camera gone.







Thanks dog for insurance.

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Go out to yearling sales after going to melb for big race meeting the day before. Put small lens on camera and not notice that its been knocked to manual focus until I had already photographed 3 yearlings (the last one was the top selling colt). Thank god for the features in photoshop CS4 that saved this image (and made the two others good enough that you couldnt tell in the 4x6 inch photo that they were not in focus properly).

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On several occasions now I have been clicking away only to discover the 'no CF card' display!! Even when I had two cards :laugh: I now have a third and always double check when leaving with the camera that there's at least one in the bag!!!!

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God, mine was nothing compared to some of these. I almost went over a ledge taking a shot the same day to try and fit a shrub in for foreground interest. I looked behind me and there was just a drop, over the canopy below. I got the shot though.

ETA: I almost had my backpack containing a few lenses stolen by a wild monkey in a Nat Park last year. He bared his teeth at me when I shouted at him and snatched my pack away. They are quite frightening up close!

Edited by Ripley
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Ripley: I had a similar experience in Bali with the wild monkeys!

We were told that if a monkey grabs your stuff to just let them

have it! No way was I going to let any monkey thief help

themselves to my gear. Silly monkey ended up with someone's

smokes and 'pretended' to smoke one :laugh:

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Yes I was going to risk a bite (and possible rabies) for my pack. This wasn't that one in Bali that you went to, this was a very quiet place in Singapore, jungle like and large, just a gorgeous spot). I'm quite scared of monkeys :laugh:

On that weekend I mentioned above, I saw what I thought was a lizard, got up close to it to find it was a juvenile brown snake. Cute little bugga.

Silly monkey ended up with someone's

smokes and 'pretended' to smoke one

:rofl: I grabbed a few shots of this one before he went for my pack after I spotted a monitor lizard creature. OH has a charming one of him scratching his privates on his computer - men! Edited by Ripley
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