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Brydee Update Vid/ Youtube Help?


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Ok, first time I have used youtube, and I cant seem to view the clip that I uploaded properly.

I have a crap computer, so not sure if thats the problem, or something that I havn't done right.

Having problems with Brydees back end movement while in a high drive, while chaining together heeling sequences.

She seems to forget to use it during left turns, which is causing positional problems.

If we concentrate on training turns only.......no problems!

Hmm.....much to think about before trialling her. May need to take a few backward steps.

She's now 18 months old, so I need to get it soughted.

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She has great attitude. :laugh: Looks great for her age.

I would be making my turns slower to help her keep position. I also do a lot of perch work with to teach rear end awareness marking any movement of the back end.

The only other thing, she is gravitating towards the front of you (looking for the reinforcement), I would deliver the reward in perfect heel position or mark the perfect position then start the tug game. :laugh:

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Hi Pax

That slight forging started when I progressed to one way focus. I only ever carry the reward on me in the early learning stages, so its not signtracking, but an attempt to keep eye contact I feel, which I have wrongly enforced due to training solo and not having the extra set of eyes that I need to mark at the right time.

Thanks for your critique. Something else to work on.

I also have a retrieve clip to upload.

Edited by dogdude
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Not crappy at all DD! She has all the enthusiasm, just needs a bit of fine tuning. How is she with a more formal ring set up?

Come to Foo tonight it's the last one

Havn't had here in a ring since you last saw us at foo months ago Shoey. Not sure, but wouldn't expect any diff.

Would love to go to Foo, but can't get there tonight. Have fun!

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Hiya. Looking good. She has grown so much!

I also suggest slowing slightly before your turns so that she knows what is coming. Backing up is also really good for rear end awareness. The dog needs to step back not shuffle back. Walking through a ladder (ladder on ground) is also good.

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Dogdude, she's sort of swinging her back end out as she heels in a straight line. I'd slow your work down and do a lot of work in slow pace focussing on her position. I'm having similar troubles with Ella at the moment so am doing most of my heel training in slow pace and only working on a few paces of correct heel work at a time. Aside from that she's got super focus and really nice control of her drive good work!!! :rofl:

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Hi JulesP

Yep, shes filling out her frame pretty quickly. Never tried a ladder, but if I specifically practice and concentrate on left turns, she moves her back end well :laugh:

Hi Shoey. When does FOO start up again?

Hi Seita. Its funny you should mention the backend swing, as Oscar "developed" this problem, just like Brydee has at about the same stage. Postion was great during the early to mid learning phases, so now I know I am creating this with laziness of some kind lol.

Didn't take me long to fix Oscar though, so not too worried about it, but its great what you can pick up on film.

Working back in slow pace was exactly how I fixed Oscar (and a guidance stick under my left arm.)

Hi LR and SD!

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Hi JulesP

Yep, shes filling out her frame pretty quickly. Never tried a ladder, but if I specifically practice and concentrate on left turns, she moves her back end well :laugh:

Hi Shoey. When does FOO start up again?

Hi Seita. Its funny you should mention the backend swing, as Oscar "developed" this problem, just like Brydee has at about the same stage. Postion was great during the early to mid learning phases, so now I know I am creating this with laziness of some kind lol.

Didn't take me long to fix Oscar though, so not too worried about it, but its great what you can pick up on film.

Working back in slow pace was exactly how I fixed Oscar (and a guidance stick under my left arm.)

Hi LR and SD!

LOL! I created the same problem from being lazy too! I've been fixing it slowly without a guidance stick but I'm thinking about bringing one out! Have you tried Ivan Balabanov's method for teaching left turns? My girl used to jump and bounce into position and has NO rear-end awareness but using this method and doing some rear end work (feet on a book move bum type stuff) she's improved heaps!

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