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I have a puppy who is 4 mths old. He has had a spew a few times. I just figured it was cause he got too active after he ate (all on his own.. not cause we encouraged him)

As long as your dog is eating and drinking and not acting different I wouldn't be too concerned.

Though it can always ease the mind to go for a general checkup. Has she been to the vet yet for a check up since you got her?


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How is she this morning?

No vomit last night or this morning. She is bouncing around like her usual self. Even climbed up on the coffee table looking for crumbs.

The dog walker is going to look in on her again today.

bobchic - yes, she has gone to the vet for a check up and to get vaccinated (1 week ago, so I doubt this is a reaction to that).

Hopefully she just picked up a bug (don't know how, she hasn't left my property) and it has passed.

Thanks again for your help!

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