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Viral Papilloma

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Last night I found a caulliflower looking wart on Dutch's lip

Dutch is our 17wk old amstaff type rescue pup, he has had bad breath for a little while now. Not the kind of I've just eaten poo and a dead lizzard type breath but it almost smells metalic ( can't really think of a better way to explain it).

On doing some reading last night I think it is viral papilloma, general consensus seems to be let it run it's course and it will go away on it's own.

My question is do you think the bad breath may be caused by some kind of secondary infection or is it part and parcel of the whole papilloma experience?

We will take him to the vet in the next week or so anyway as he is due for a check up. But I'm curious about others thoughts or experiences.



Edited by KnucklesDutchnUs
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He is to cute.

Is the warth thingy on the inside of his mouth or outside? If it's on the inside it could be caused just by trauma.

I would be pretty sure the smell is from teething but the lump/wart might be something a vet should check out.

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