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Submission Piddling


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I have a foster foxie female who submission piddles at the drop of a hat. Lovely little thing, not timid or fearful, well socialised with both dogs and humans, seeks attention all the time, but usually piddles when she gets it. I have found that not actively touching her, but rather letting her crawl onto me and then passively touching her head only, doesnt cause piddling. Picking her up means a definite soaking. She is spoken to and treated with the utmost gentleness at all times, so there is no reason she should feel the need to be so overtly submissive. And she is otherwise friendly and outgoing.

Any suggestions on methods I can use to train her out of it?

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Seems to be about 12 to 18 mnths old. Came from Hawkesbury pound a couple of weeks back, heavily pregnant. She had a ceasar (puppies too big) and was desexed at same time. All puppies were already dead. She seems happy and healthy enough - no sign of any infection. Is sleeping behind me on the chair now...

Shes been through a lot lately and Im hoping it will lessen naturally in the course of time..... otherwise shes going to be very tricky to rehome.

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She may have a weak bladder KKDD - has the vet taken a look?

All you can do is confidence build and in the meantime avoid situations where you know she'll urinate.. the human initiating the contact does seem to be the trigger. I'd suggest all greetings from people occur outside whenever possible until she grows more confident.

But yes, difficult to rehome if it doesn't improve and she'd be about the worst for this behaviour I've heard of. :laugh:

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Thanks poodlefan. Weak bladder would be reasonable after carrying a load of oversized puppes. I sympathise. :laugh:

Hopefully that would also mean there will be some natural improvement in time, though I will also work on desentitising her to human-initiated contact.

Any other suggestions will be appreciated as well.

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