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Technique Advise Needed


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When taking indoor shots (or in areas covered in) I find when using flash if my dog hasits face slightly turned from the camera I get one half of the dog's face in shadow. It really affects her expression as only half her face is well lit. Can I photoshop save such pictures or is it a lighting issue that I need attend to? I dont have a professional light kit. Any ideas? If someone would like to show me how it can be improved pm me and ill send a copy of the pic.


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Personally I love full sun for taking pics of dogs and horses but you have to pick the right time of day.

If you use the highlight shadows tool in photoshop you can bring up the dark areas of a photo without blowing out the well lit areas. Works better than the brightness contrast tool (though you may have to tweak that one a touch as well).

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For indoor shots I tend to use my speedlite and bounce light off the walls to make sure I don't get shadows or too much glare in the face. I don't know how you can do that with the built-in flash though.

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