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April Photo Challenge


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  Bindi~Boo said:
Iltby... beautiful, great timing with the fight, it is good to capture different things, i think. :thumbsup:

Thanks BB! Yes, pretty happy with that shot, though wish I'd framed it better.

  tlc said:
Love the ducks Iltby!


  Clicking Mad said:
iltby - I love the 2nd duck shot! I was amazed to witness an Owl (I never see owls) get harrassed out of this big bush it was probably sleeping in by a bunch of black crows (?) this morning :cry:

Thanks CM! I thought it was very cute :thumbsup: The quality of the shots is way better on Flickr, though.

How bizarre, guess it must be a territorial thing.

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I haven't had much of a chance to do anything not work, but hubby and I went to the beach evening before last and I took a shot of a cool tree branch. Would like to go back out there and play around, but probably won't get a chance...

Anyway, my one pathetic April shot LOL


Canon A720

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Wow, what a pretty birdie!!

Thanks for the kind words.

TLC I hardly open PS usually, almost all of my editing is done in Lightroom. One day I do need to get back in to PS and actually learn stuff, but Lightroom makes my life so easy I don't bother!

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Ooo, I love black and white and Lightroom ROCKS for getting just the right BW for a shot...I often have to stop myself from doing big groups of BW when I know some should really be in color LOL :)

If this becomes the challenge, it would be great if we could - where possible - include settings and techniques in our chosen editing program.

Edited by kja
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iltby - great quality on the rosella!

kja - I love that dead tree on the beach :scold:

terranik - feet up gave me a giggle :eek:


"I told you it would be closed, Chester!" :eek:


I was hoping for a sad, disappointed look, but he looks more curious here than anything. He was a good boy lying down on the cold concrete though


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Tn, there is just something about the gloved doctors hand that makes me shudder :scold: , good shot though!!

Love Chester at the closed pet shop, love the orange and brown tones, great shot!!

I have been wondering about lightroom, I have it, i thnk it is the new version it is light room 2 but I got PS at the same time and have been using that. How hard is it to navigate your way around light room, is it a matter of just having a play or will I need to do a tutorial or something like that. Is the sepia effect easy to achieve in light room??

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Well if there is no challenge for next month, i am going to B/W for the month anyway.

i had a break this month and im ready to shoot again.

So if anyone wants to join in, please feel free.

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Hey everyone, as usual there has been some really interesting and creative work posted throughout the month and you all deserve a big congratulations. :laugh:

MAY will be a rest month as a few people are starting to run out of inspiration and this is meant to be a bit of fun. My advice is to put the camera down and relax... and hit June with a vengance.

June will be based on 'movement' but I'm not giving details as yet. Hope to see you all in 32 days, fresh and ready to roll! :laugh:

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  lea said:
Well if there is no challenge for next month, i am going to B/W for the month anyway.

i had a break this month and im ready to shoot again.

So if anyone wants to join in, please feel free.

Hi Lea, Id be keen to join you, although I did get a bit slack towards the end of this month. when you say B/W do you mean black and white, maybe Ill go sepia for the month. I have been working out a formula for how sepia looks the best but in the end I have figured out that it really depends on the photo :laugh: I guess that should have been obvious to begin with!! A friend I work with (also a keep photographer) is getting involved with some photographers here in our town and they are thinking about having a exhibition at our local art gallery and he asked me if I would like to put some of my pictures in the exhibition. Not sure if it will come about but I have a few photos of my oldest boy Cooper and Lacy in Sepia that I thought I could do a series on and have the theme all the same. So I might be able to work on getting some better shots of them and make them sepia.

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clicking - LOVE that shot!!

It sounds like there are some who would like a May challenge, so why not have it be BW? Those who are burning out or who have plates that are too full don't have to play, but those who want to can. No one has to post every day - or at all - if they don't want to.

I know I haven't been able to do more than view stuff for April's challenge, but I would have really missed seeing what others were doing if it wasn't there.

I have been wondering about lightroom, I have it, i thnk it is the new version it is light room 2 but I got PS at the same time and have been using that. How hard is it to navigate your way around light room, is it a matter of just having a play or will I need to do a tutorial or something like that. Is the sepia effect easy to achieve in light room??

I adore LR and find the vast majority of things I want to do way easier and faster than in PS. Mostly it's a matter of just playing with the presets that come with it and playing with the myriad of sliders. There are tons of great tutorials out there to help you along or to give you ideas, too.

Sepia and all sorts are dead easy - there are already presets that will let you get sepia and other tones with a single click...and if you want to tweak those, just move the sliders around. Easy peasy.

Create something you really like and might want to apply later? Click the + sign under presets and it will save it for you with whatever title you want to give it. Then go to another image and click your new preset. Viola. Not quite right? Tweak the sliders. Everything is tweakable and you don't have to backtrack if you don't want to.

Got something you think you like but aren't sure and want to try something else? Click the + under snapshots and name it - it saves every step then you can go back to any of those steps and try something different. You can save the new version with another snapshot and flick back and forth between the two to see what you like.

My biggest lightroom problem? I can get sucked in to playing with options and very subtle variations coz it's so easy! LOL

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Ok since it is the last day of April, I thought id try to make a bit more of an effort, I have done the same thing before and I really liked the out come so I thought id try it again, and this time I edited in light room only very basic antique greyscale and darkend them a little, thats all I can work out how to do so far....lol

anyway here they are

Me and Cooper Jay




Me and Bronson


Cooper and Lacy


Me and Lacy



and the last one is me and Tully, she is usually the one to buck the system so it isnt a real good one, but i edited it Picassa just to see what the difference was like and thier is no comparison!!


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