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April Photo Challenge


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His name is Sly and I'm not sure that his eye is getting better, but its not getting worse. We're not sure yet how much he can see out of it and it will simply be a matter of waiting. He is my fave in the litter anyway so I don't mind if he hangs around for a bit longer ;)

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Heres my quick shot from tonight, I want daylight savings back again, not enough light in the day!!


same pic with a different back ground, Im experimenting!!


couldnt figure out what to do with the scary flash eyes??

Edited by tlc
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  tlc said:
Heres my quick shot from tonight, I want daylight savings back again, not enough light in the day!!


same pic with a different back ground, Im experimenting!!


couldnt figure out what to do with the scary flash eyes??

When the reflection is red it's quite easy to fix using the red eye remover when its white, then its a different story ;)

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  Trisven13 said:
My photo for today. I didn't have time to take a good photo (good photos and 5 week old pups do not mix ;) ) so decided to just fiddle with an okay shot. This was the result - not sure what I think which means its not right but it was good practice anyway.


Oh I love it, the clarity is fabulous and the colours are so rich.

Love ASD, seriously incredible cloud shots!

CM, really cute shot of Chester :o

Tlc, more awesome editing! I love that drawn-look.

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The quality of the photos here is brilliant :laugh:

CM. love the phone booth photo :rofl:

love_ASD, your photos are brilliant, love the clouds, and the coffee photo is great. :thumbsup:

Trisven, gorgeous photo :provoke:

Tlc, love the experimenting :nahnah:

Pointeelab, The first photo is unreal, absolutely stunning. You captured a moment in time :laugh:

TerraNik, Wow, that last photo is perfect. So professional. You are very talented. :scold:

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I was hoping to take shot of Axle & Roxy when they were getting their stitches out but had no one else with me that could have help to watch one of them while I took photos, but might be able to get a shot of my kitten getting vaccinated, if they let me :laugh:

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Its an aweful rainey day here, so I took some early morning snaps.

The big fella, it was 6 am he didint even bat an eye when I took this pic, flash and all.. :laugh:


Looks like the princess had a rough night!! (she usually sleeps on the bed)


Once the OH goes to work, the pup comes out of his crete and up for a cuddle and Tully gets on the bed around 4am every morning, (I think thats when she gets cold!!)


the last pic is on a wierd angle cause my free hand was taking the picture... :thumbsup:

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