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April Photo Challenge


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Hi Guys, only a few snap shots from me today, its been a busy one, so no pics of all of mine together, firstly I took 3 of mine to the park meet up with some other DOLers and thier doggys and had a fab time.


then I took Tully to a nursing home here in town to visit the residents, my nan is in respite, so it made her day love that she is smiling in this picture!!


Then home to Clip Lacy and Bronson.



I was gonna post a pic that Hubby took of Bron being clipped, it was so cute he lays down so I can do his legs and tummy and he was half asleep but I thought some might think he was drugged :mad he is just so chilled out, Ive never seen anything like it!!

All bathed and fed and sleeping at the moment, Love this diary idea, I know Ive gone off the track for today but Ill be back onto it for tomorow, and very proud of myslef so far I havent missed a day, finally got my photo mojo back!! Yay...

Edited by tlc
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Ooh love that editing in the last two shots Tlc! Would you mind telling me how you achieved that effect?

Love the shot of your nan and Tully too, really lovely.

Sorry I haven't really gotten into this month's challenge as yet, my heart's not in it at the moment. Am seriously loving everyones photos and creativity though.

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okay, cool, good shots and creative work guys :mad

I've only got a couple of places left, that I think will work on my "out and about" list ... so back to dog park pics ...

I've been making an effort to take Chester and Jamie on a long walk on my days off, so these first couple are with the cheapo point'n'shoot kodak I have - not carrying the canon for an hour and a quarter

it was a beautiful day today :laugh:



and then later I had to get Texas out for his sedate paced walk - he just can't handle long walks :D ... so took the canon with me for that


cheers :rofl:

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Today's shot - a cuddle after eye-drops :o


Can someone please point me in the direction of (preferably) a free to download photo software I can fiddle with OR recommend one I can buy that is not too expensive. I would love to know how to do frames and more fiddling with photos. Whilst I dream of getting a digital SLR I'm currently working with a Fuji Finepix S5700.

Edited by Trisven13
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CM. they are great shots, love the first one. :o

Trisven, great close up. Have a look at photobucket, they have an editing program there that you can do frames and croping, and resizing, and special effects. :)

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Great shots CM and T13.

T13, you can do a lot of editing in Photobucket, thats Where I do my frames. You can also adjust and add text etc. Another good free program to have a muck around with is Picasa, it is a free down load just google and you will find it.

Thanks Bindi and Iltby, all I did to get that effect was selected around the doggys and went to filters and I think it wasartistic and then coloredpencil, and then I just adjusted the color adding mostly red. I cant go back and have a look as I dont save the file as a photoshop file, I just flatten the image then save as so I still have the original. Now you have got me thinking Ill have to go back and try it to see if I have told you the right thing....LOL

edited to add, I went to see if I could do it again, definatly colored pencil in artistic under filter.

Edited by tlc
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  Bindi~Boo said:
lol it is very hard to remember everything that you do, isn't it, TLC. :rofl:

It sure is!! I just realized when I replyed before RE: photo editing software for T13 that you had replyed above it, and I basicaly repeated what you wrote, Im sure when I posted my post that yours wasnt there although there is about 15 minutes between posts, how strange. I do love photo shop and really dont understnad how to do a lot of the stuff, would you be able to tell me if how I put my water mark on the page all I do is drag it on from the right hand side, is this the way you would put two pictures together or is that what the merge function is all about??

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Fantastic shots all. I really love coming in here and looking at such a wide variety of ideas and interpretations.

I am an idiot and left my camera up the coast, so will have to bow out for a while :rofl:

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  tlc said:
Great shots CM and T13.

T13, you can do a lot of editing in Photobucket, thats Where I do my frames. You can also adjust and add text etc. Another good free program to have a muck around with is Picasa, it is a free down load just google and you will find it.

Thanks Bindi and Iltby, all I did to get that effect was selected around the doggys and went to filters and I think it wasartistic and then coloredpencil, and then I just adjusted the color adding mostly red. I cant go back and have a look as I dont save the file as a photoshop file, I just flatten the image then save as so I still have the original. Now you have got me thinking Ill have to go back and try it to see if I have told you the right thing....LOL

edited to add, I went to see if I could do it again, definatly colored pencil in artistic under filter.

Awesome, thanks! I really should familiarise myself with more of the filters.

Trish, the Flickr editing program, Picnick, is pretty good too - upload something and check it out! My mum uses Gimp at the moment...it seems alright but it's nothing compared to PS :rofl:

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Thanks Iltby - that's exactly what I was going for.

My shot from today...

'A Month of Medicine'

I can't decide between the two... I was initially going for a clean, white, crisp-look... but ended up with this after a bit of fiddling!!



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