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April Photo Challenge


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thanks for the comments everyone, sorry I've not been able to get back here for a bit ... this getting out of the house to take photos is quite time consuming and I've ticked off most of the easy places already :cheer:

bindi-boo - I like the magical mushroom playground one, your creations are :) ... like the racing pigeons idea

pps - Pootie is adorable in her hard working outfit, dirty knees and big smile :)

darien - great flower pics! I like the working class man too :cheer:

clover - go flyball Harri, who I keep mistaking for a girl ;)

tlc - I like your dogs' shot on the 6th with the corrugated iron fencing as background and the sepia works really well :birthday: ... and I like the Roxy ring-in :birthday:

poocow - the doog is looking good (uh oh, I just noticed that good and doog are reversed), I like him in the long grass :p and destructo ... not the gooddoog! hehehe

rainy - love your waiting pup, and his? little tongue poke, I like the jet tails too!

huga - great work all round! I particularly like the sewing next to the open windows :D

rocco - always great! love day 12 and 15!

this pic almost stopped me this month - I'd taken Chess to the vet and decided to stop by this statue on the way home, 30 excrutiating minutes stuck in suburban railway crossing peak-hour traffic watching every inch of light drop out of the sky as the minutes ticked by landed me downtown next to this statue with only street lights, I ramped up the ISO hence really crummy grain, but due to my inability to concentrate on dog and passing pedestrian traffic and operate a camera in manual mode, I chose Av which overexposed Chester in every shot I took, and with my concentration totally sapped the best/clearest shot (the one below) also happened to have a great big pedestrian caution sign rising from the center of Chester's head! It killed me, I tried so hard to fix it, managed to do a passable job of removing the sign, but everything else, awful ... actually there is one shining light: his expression!


anyway, the next day I went to the good old reliable park ... with tree ;)


nothing yesterday, but this morning I revisited the dog statue (not much better really :( gonna have to give up on this idea) ...


... and a trip to a different beach where boating people where making the most of the public holiday :)



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Tlc, I hope I can explain this properly. :(

I cut and paste the picture of your dogs onto the fairyland picture, I found on the net. Make a layer and applied picture.

Used clone tool to blend the pictures.

Used a lasso to trace around your dogs, then go to select, click on inverse, this makes the background around your dogs selected.

I then go to filter, go to artistic, then select a paint style, click ok, go back to Select, click deselect.

Now you should have your background looking like painted effect.

Go to Seclect, click reselect, then inverse, so that the dogs are selected.

Do the same as with the background, but use a different paint style. Then Select, click deselect.

This should leave you with basically what I have in the picture.

I do tweak a little with levels and curves and I also add a render, light effect.

Have a play and just see what you come up with. It is all about trial and error. :)

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CM, actually that first photo is quite interesting, I like it. It has the line of lights of cars in the side area, movement of the cars, and the photo of Chester looks great. I think you are being too hard on yourself. :cry:

The one of him in the tree is brilliant! love the expression on his face. :)

On the last photo he looks like he has been shipwrecked and is looking out to sea for help. :(

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Thanks Bindi, I will definatly have a play and see if i can come up with something half decent!!

CM, loved all of yours today and I thought the first one was good had to look twice though I thought the staue doggy was real....LOL

But I especially like the last one, it has a real feel to it.

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CM, I really like the second dog statue shot, I think it works very well. Really awesome use of DOF. The tree shot is adorable, too.

Am loving the editing in this thread, people are being so imaginative with it.

Here's two more bird shots from me-



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Rainy the moon shot is really well captured. :laugh: I like it.

Bindi good work on experimenting with the PP. :D

tlc your dogs must be so well trained. They all seem to sit well for a photo. I would never trust Roc n Ralph like that in open space. :laugh:

CM nice, I think I made comment in flickr.

PC Darcy is just so cute and you are getting some very nice pictures of him.

Itlby welcome back. :thumbsup: great shots.

TerraNik I like the pub shot with the light. :thumbsup:

Day 16. Macca's. I only had one chance to do this as I didn't want to be feeding him up on crappy Macca's for perfect photo. When we go to Macca's he usually gets a cheeseburger and since that was the closest place I could find for a coffee fix this morning, he got a treat.


Plus a photo for "one moment" as I haven't posted this little guy in awhile and I walked Ralphie today and stopped for a quick photo with him.


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Hehe look at that drool! And I thought Top was bad when somehow he managed to flick his goober all the way up to his eye :laugh:

Love the pub crawl shot Nik!

Here is mine for today, Darcy sneaking back to me, with a munched piece of grass hanging out of his mouth! I'm off for two days now so will resume pics on Monday when I get my Darcy back!


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  tlc said:
Iltby, beautiful birds!! are you doing much editing with your pics or are they strait off the camera, they are so good!

TN, love the pub shot!!

Thanks Tlc! I don't do too much to them but never upload straight from the camera either. I generally adjust levels, temperature, brightness and contrast.

Rocco, thanks :laugh: Absolutely love that shot of Ralph, he is such a spunk.

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Awww beautiful Darcy, I never tire of his lovely face.

Rocco, love the maccas shot, we wouldnt even have known what Roc was eating unless you said, and the drool...LOL And little Ralph, how could you not just fall in love with him what a doll!!

With regards to mine being trained well, they do have thier moments but for the most part they are pretty good, we do all our walking off lead so they stay really close and now if they see me with treat in one hand and camera in the other they line up :laugh:

Here is mine for today, and of course not all could be looking at the camera!!

"the fur family!!"


just thought Id add this one of my big boy, I clipped him today and then we went for a walk and home for a bath, so here he is all fresh!!

"Cooper Jay"


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Thanks Bindi, My Coop has really amazing eyes and so many people comment on how he looks like an old soul been here before!! I just noticed in the second photo the two lines across the picture not sure what they are?? I looked back at the first picture and I think it looks like one of those really old fashioned photos where they didnt smile and looked really solem especailly Cooper, think he might be over me and my camera :laugh:

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