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April Photo Challenge


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I was wondering were iltby was. I hope she is enjoying her holiday. :)

Everyones work is looking good.

TerraNik I'm enjoying your month of medicine. Are you studying to be a doctor or nurse?

Day 12


Day 13

I thought I had made the light, but ended up using the flash, hence my wide eye...... I m not high. :eek:


Day 14

Found this wall that projected a great shadow. I didnt have my tripod with me otherwise it would of been a better shadow. But I cant be bothered going back there. :cry:


Edited by Rocco1
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  Rocco1 said:
TerraNik I'm enjoying your month of medicine. Are you studying to be a doctor or nurse?

Thanks Rocco - I'm training to be a doctor. 2 1/2 more years to go!

I really like the shadow one with the ET phone home look with the bright light! :)

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Great shots today guys, Huga, how do you keep such a straight face with your photos, it is like you are totally unaware that the camera is even there, very clever!!

Rainy your colored doggy is very cute very unusual coloring and the ears are the best, and your blackberry looks totally yummy!!

Rocco, love all yours, especailly the half face shots!!

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BB, love the pigeons, very clever, funny what ideas you come up with while having a nap!!

Huga, I still think id be concious of the camera and make a silly face ...LOL

Here is mine for the day the first one is because I wasnt sure if we would get out and about as the weather has been fairly ordinary.

As soon as I put my red shirt on for work they seem to know that Im going out the door and they get that hang dog look...LOL

"dont go"


the next few are later in the day the weather turned out ok after I finished work so we went off to one of our fav walking tracks.

"Tuckered out"


"Man apart"


"Whos that"


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Hi all :thumbsup:

Sorry about my unexplained absence, as Huga said I was on holidays. I had expected to have Internet access, hence why I didn't let anyone know I'd be away, but it ended up not working.

Anyway, we were staying at Cullburra in Shoalhaven so I have tons of shots to upload :laugh:

This month's challenge looks great, am about to browse everyone's work so far.

I took a huge amount of bird shots whilst away so I think I'll go with the diary theme and upload a daily bird shot.

Hope you're all well!

Edited by iltby
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Hay Iltby, your just down the road :thumbsup: hope your enjoying your holidays there is some stunnig places to take pics around hear i look forwad to another point of view of our area.

i know i have posted for today but had to add this shot taken a moment ago



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Hey BB! Happy birthday for the other day :laugh:

What a bugger, Rainy! I knew there'd be a few DOLers in the area but I didn't get a chance to ask. The holiday was great, I really enjoyed the change of scenery and got a lot of shots I'm very happy with :) I've just uploaded 65 to Flickr if anyone wants to have a browse :thumbsup:

This month's photos all look brilliant so far, I'm blown away by the creativity of everyone here.

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Guest Clover

Great photos everyone, i am impressed with everyones creativity :laugh:. I have hit a wall so early in the month, and have only managed 4 out of 8 days. But i will be keeping an eye on this months challenge and everyones work.

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