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April Photo Challenge


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  lea said:
id probably go into cardiac arrest too if i saw that guy in white who looks like he is going to eithr strangle that dummy or punch it. :rofl:

LOL!!!!!!! He's pretending to 'bag' the patient (squeezing the air into the patient's lungs)

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  tlc said:
  TerraNik said:
I've already taken mine for the day... It's either defibrillation of a person in cardiac arrest or taking arterial blood gases (big needles into the wrist)... decisions, decisions!

:D I was expecting to see a real person, what was I thinking :rofl: would have liked to see the big needle!!

Alright, just for you...

Arterial Blood Gas (OUCH!) - again, on a plastic model that just happens to have a pulse and circulation... Don't you love technology!?


  tlc said:
I think the guy with the fist looks as if hes gonna punch the dummy to try to bring it back to life!! :p

Don't laugh - a precordial thump (a fist to the chest VERY hard - like you're slamming your chest on the table) sometimes reverts people back to sinus rhythm (normal heart beat) in a witnessed cardiac arrest (i.e. you saw the ECG monitor go from sinus rhythm to ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation).

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Oh I love the needle one!!

Yes about the punch, My pop died about 7 years ago now and he had like a heart arrithmya (sp) and he had a turn and his heart stopped, he was at a friends house and they just thought ok get the amblulance and didnt do any cpr or anything and the doc told the family later the worst thing was if someone had of hit him in the chest his heart would have more than likely started up again, I was very sad when I heard that because it is something so simple.

PS. Are you a doctor?? or a teacher??

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Great pics so far :rofl: Very creative!

I didn't really intend to take park and/or beach pics as my "out and about" but it's easy for me ...

A trip to the off-lead park after work is a regular thing for us, when I get the timing right, we rarely see any other dogs :D

... just a black and white of the 3 of them ... Texas has a tennis ball I found, Jamie is sniffing and Chester is watching them :) ... it was a really warm afternoon



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tlc - yeah, the precordial thump *sometimes* works... The evidence for it isn't very strong, but hey, it's worth a shot. I'm so sorry to hear they weren't able to revive your pop. :D

I'm a medical student, hence all the medical training photos! I've been made the 'official photographer' for our med school, so I always have my camera at the ready (usually for events, but clinical skills are fun to capture!!)

CM I love the perspective in that photo... :rofl:

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CM Love the black and white, do you do your editing in PS?? My black and whites always look more grey, shoudl I be adjusting colors once it is black and white to get that more dark and light effect??

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Todays madness was easy.

I had not long finished putting cloths on the line when

from inside the house i saw a flash of red go past my window.


butter wouldn't melt!

then this, i wont tell if you dont look.


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Sorry. It's so long since I've had dogs that steal washing off the line.

There was a stage where we never had had bed linen that was more than about a month old :cry: :cry:

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Ha ha Lea, great shots, I can honestly say my guys have never stole washing off the line, thank goodness!! Love the second shot, wouldnt you just love to know what they are thinking!!

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