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April Photo Challenge


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Thank you everyone for my birthday wishes. :) Kja, unfortunately no DSLR this time, things are tight money wise, but I have my sites set on Christmas, gives everyone enough time to save up. :rofl: :cool:

Poocow, that is certainly not a dud photo. It is an adorable photo of your superdog :laugh:

PPS. I love the effect. Look at those eyelashes :eek: Your daughter is gorgeous.

Lea. :D love it !!!!!

CM. wow that sunset is breathtaking. :eek:

TerraNik. What an excellent group of photos, :laugh: They are priceless, and look so convincing. You may have your own vet dog there. :)

Tlc. I love your doggies, they are so beautiful and so happy looking. I love seeing your photos. :idea:

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Thanks TN, like I said not sure how long photographing all 4 of them will last but Ill have a crack at it, and try to get them in different places, in different positions, should be interesting to say the least. Im looking forward to seeing everyones pics. I love the way your guys always look like they have stepped out of a beauty salon, they always look so lovely and clean and very well groomed, sorry getting a bit off topic here, do thier coats take much looking after??

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  tlc said:
Thanks TN, like I said not sure how long photographing all 4 of them will last but Ill have a crack at it, and try to get them in different places, in different positions, should be interesting to say the least. Im looking forward to seeing everyones pics. I love the way your guys always look like they have stepped out of a beauty salon, they always look so lovely and clean and very well groomed, sorry getting a bit off topic here, do thier coats take much looking after??

Thanks tlc. Spitz breeds in general don't require much upkeep in terms of keeping them clean. If my guys get filthy with mud, all I have to do is wait for it to dry and it just falls out! It's brilliant! Jedi gets a 30-45 minute groom each week (including nails) and Soaks is shown almost every weekend, so she gets a full groom. Doesn't take long though, 45 minutes including bath, blow dry and brush.

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Guest Clover

Great photos everyone :laugh:. I have decided to go with a month of Harri (My 2 year old JRT) :laugh:.

Ok i am nearly an hour late for day one, but better late than never.....


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Nic, love the medicine theme, seriously cute.

TLC, i just love your dogs in sepia. :laugh:

CM, despite your bad day, your photo of Chester the super model is :laugh:

CLOVER, REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO A WHOLE MONTH OF mR personality. (BLOODYcaplocks :rofl::idea: )

Poocow, super dog is never boring.

BB, hope you had a wonderful birthday.Love the treatment on the cake photo, it looks really old.

Edited by lea
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Lea - love it :laugh:

tlc - great shots - I can never get mine to sit together. I'm amazed at the professional ones I got done though, makes them look like best friends :laugh:

nik - so gorgeous! Can't wait to see your month!

Ok, well I'll stick with the Doog for this month, might miss a few days though as I move house mid-month and I'm in Melbourne for a few days too seeing Wicked so I'll be dogless :idea:

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  lea said:
Continuing on with madness.

What to do with kids that are driving you nuts. :laugh:


:laugh: Lea this is great, she looks genuinly scared even down to the creases in her forehead!! Great shot very realistic

Clover, Harry is a doll, Love the B & W

PC all I can say to you is dogless.... :idea::rofl:

TN, I know what you mean about the mud dropping out, my lot are the same they can have black feet inthe morning and by the afternoon they are back to thier normal color as the dirt drops out when it drys. I love it when other people tell me thier dogs get bathed once a week, people always say im mad bathing mine once a week.

Now off to think about todays photo??????

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