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Crate Door Open?


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Hi Guys,

Just wanting your opinion on something. Our 20 week old Cav gentleman named Shiraz sleeps in his crate all night. We have always had the door shut. The last couple of mornings he has woken up crying quite early, with today being 5:10am. We had to change his feeding times from 2 to 3 a day due to some pretty bad gastro (we were told smaller meals) and his final meal comes at 9:00pm and not 7:00pm. My usual procedure is to go to the toilet myself, turn the TV on, open the curtains and then go get him. Evidently, in that time Shiraz decided he was going to pee in the crate. Poor guy must have been busting!

There is the background...now the questions!

At 20 weeks, is it worth laying down some newspaper and keeping the crate door open at night?

What are the pros and cons of this?

Do you guys still keep your older dogs in their crate with the door shut?

Any opinions or advice appreciated!

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What time do you last take him to the toilet at night?

Maybe being sick, he's not quite himself?

My dog has the crate door open all night and just waits until I take him out in the morning. His bladder capacity seems phenomenal.

Edited by Luke W
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What time are you last taking him out to the toilet? And what time are you letting him out in the morning?

At 5 months he should be able to hold through the night.

With the last pups I had I would take them out for their last toilet break at about 11pm and then at 6am.

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My 9 week old Samoyed holds through the night in his crate, and has since the second night. But he's weird.

Hugo took much longer to train and he wasn't crated. Now he sleeps through, wakes up at about 6-7ish and scratches at the door lightly (which wakes me.. and Fletcher) to go out for a wee. At our old house we didn't have a fenced backyard so training was all done on newspapers.. we've been in our new house for nearly 2 months and he picke up the door scratching/little bark within a few days... he's 12 months.

The plan is to eventually have Fletcher out of his crate/crate door open, but i wont do that until i really trust that he is holding because he can and will, and not just because if he wees at the moment in his crate he'll have to sleep in it. And i too agree it will be hard to know when that time comes...

I know this doesn't really help, just my experiences and plans!

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What time do you last take him to the toilet at night?

Maybe being sick, he's not quite himself?

My dog has the crate door open all night and just waits until I take him out in the morning. His bladder capacity seems phenomenal.

Thanks for the replies. Took him out around 10:15pm and then he wanted out at 5:10am (usually get up at 6:00). Could be the illness throwing him off his game a bit as he can typically hold on for 8 or so hours. We have him the stuff the VET prescribed (Scourban) late (around 9:15pm) and that might have not helped. We give him 2ml of that morning and evening. I'll give him his dose much earlier tonight and see if it makes a difference.


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