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Independant Puppy


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:) re knowing where Mosley is!

It's good some pups are just like this. And i definitely think i should stop complaining, because i think it's actually a really good thing. Hugo is the worst about cages and being in locked in a seperate room or outside from us... It's the only thing we got wrong with him. Well i thought it was us, but maybe it's just their individual little personalities and thankfully, one is independent! :thumbsup:

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Honestly I think you're lucky in some ways. We have our new doberman pup and he thinks he's a lap dog. If you get down on the floor he stops whatever he's doing and comes and sits on your lap, he'll bring his toys with him and keep chewing, or even his food. When I'm cooking in the kitchen he sleeps on my feet, if I move just from the stove to the sink, he moves too, even though it's only like 3 steps... Normally I close the bathroom door while I'm in the shower, but one day I forgot and left it open. Well the next thing you know poochy is in the shower with me, even though he looked very unhappy about getting all wet. If I go somewhere, no matter what he has to go through he will follow. Which is great, until bed time. He sleeps in the laundry, which is actually right next to the main bedroom-sounds weird I know, but after a week of us ignoring his cries, he still cries every night. I take him to the toilet once and after that he just starts crying again, keeping us up for half the night. Must be breeds though, I knew dobes were known as velcro dogs but I now know they weren't exaggerating. The idea of a dog who wanders off to sleep sounds quite nice to me lol though don't get me wrong, I love my little boy.

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Yep dogs, just like us humans have their own personalities and their breeds do have a lot to do with that.

Jake my Dalmatian is a very much in your face has to be with you all the time kind of dog he will follow me around the house and has to sit in my lap and usually sleeps on the end of my bed or on the floor (in summer as he gets hot) next to the bed

Zahra my greyhound is a complete sook. I don't think that I've met a dog more sooky than her, and I thought Jake was bad :thumbsup: She follows me around the house too and will sook at me and come and put her face in my face or climb up on me is she wants a pat and she insists sleeping IN the bed (under the covers in summer and winter).

Murray my Beagle is completely different, he usually sleeps in his crate (his choice door is always open) or underneath my bed and is quite happy to have his own space he just likes to know where you are. He will come over for a scratch occassionally, but that's usually if I call him over first :)

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