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Anal Glands Info Needed


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Sardines don't agree with Barkly either.

Yes they can make some dogs get the runs. But no matter if a dog gets the runs from sardines or is fine with them I fail to see how they would have an negative impact on it's anal glands.

I think that when Barkly gets the runs, it stops him from emptying his anal glands when he poos. It only takes a couple of days of soft poos for him to start to get a bit stinky.

At least, I think that's what's going on.

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Sooty, my son's dog had a couple of recurrent anal glan infections about 9 mths apart, which required antibiotic treatment. She would get a large lump on her anus which made her scoot & continually lick at. The vet suggested removing the one anal gland involved which we did. He explained about the possible incontinance but said she shouldn't have a problem if only one was removed. She recovered well with no problems. The op cost over $600.

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The anal sacs normally empty and refill every day. When stools aren't firm enough, however, they don't exert enough pressure to empty the sacs. This causes fluid to accumulate, making the anal area itchy and sore.

It is considered that diet is the main cause of the anal glands not emptying naturally and problems occurring. Eukanuba does not provide a balanced diet.

Like Odin-Genie suggested I would try Artemis dog food.

Just remember that changing the main ingredient of your dog's diet (e.g.: brand of dry dog food) should be done gradually and over a period of at least four days (preferably longer).


On the first day of change, you should have plenty of the old dog food left. Add three quarters of their old food, and one quarter of the new food. You should do this for at least two days. After two days or so, add in another quarter, so you have half old food, half new food. Again, keep it at this level for another two days or so. Then add in a third quarter (one quarter old, three quarters new), and finally you can phase out the old food completely.

This worked for our 14 month old Lab x =) No anal glands problems here.

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$60.. :thumbsup: When my girls have had to have their anal glands done it cost $5. I walk into the vets, tell them why i am there one of the nurses takes them out and does the deed and i pay $5, just haven't been able to bring myself to learning how it is done..

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Look at Rodney's diet. Try to include chicken neck/wings and other raw meaty bones.

You need to firm up the poo. The bones will also, when being excreted, pierce the sacs thus doing the emptying for you.

Agree with the above. In many cases, anal gland issues relate back to diet. When the stools are firmer they press/squeeze the anal glands (not pierce) on their passage through causing the anal glands to express (as they should) when your dog defacates. This is scenting the faeces as nature intended. When the anal glands aren't regularly expressed they build up with the fluid that is created by the glands and this can lead to uncomfortable/painful anal gland impaction, not to mention a smelly dog and which is quite likely why you are experiencing this mucky (and expensive :laugh:) problem.

It would be a lot more comfortable for your dog and of course more economical and convenient for you if your dog's anal glands would express naturally, so I concur that a change in diet to include things such as chicken wings (introduce gradually - don't go so overboard as to cause upset tummy or constipation) would probably prove an advantage. If dry food is to be a component of your dog's diet, I have had good results with Eagle Pack.

Edited by Erny
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