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Puppy With Worms


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Maybe I expect to much but Id be a bit put out if I bought a pup from a reg breeder and it had tapeworm fleas ringworm and pyoderma at 9 weeks

Why did you buy it then if it had so many obvious issues?

I havent bought it :thumbsup: All Im saying is that if I was buying from a reg breeder Id expect better. love my pooch is the poster who bought the dog.

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I'm not saying people can't be "put out" as you put it. What I'm saying is that it isn't necessarily the fault of the breeder.

Pyoderma can go hand in hand with the fungal infection. Ringworm is highly contagious. Pyoderma can also occur in a young animal that has lowered immunity. That can also occur after vaccination.

It's not so sinister. And it isn't always something a breeder can do anything much about. And sadly, these things always seem to happen to the puppies which are sold, resulting in recrimination and nastiness. It is a VERY stressful time for a puppy to be leaving home and going into a new environment.

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Maybe I expect to much but Id be a bit put out if I bought a pup from a reg breeder and it had tapeworm fleas ringworm and pyoderma at 9 weeks

Why did you buy it then if it had so many obvious issues?

I havent bought it :thumbsup: All Im saying is that if I was buying from a reg breeder Id expect better. love my pooch is the poster who bought the dog.

When we picked him up he had no obvious signs. . around 5 days after we bough him home we noticed he was loosing hair, we took him to the vet last week to get things checked out. We love the little guy and will do anything to make him better :laugh: he's still happy and playfull, im not angry nor do i feel like i've been put out, its just one of those things, it can be cured so thats all that matters :rofl:

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There is nothing wrong with the Supermarket generic brand worm tablets, as long as the correct does is given at the correct times and you buy the appropriate type, eg; ALLWORMER, this does not include heart worm. :thumbsup:

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There is nothing wrong with the Supermarket generic brand worm tablets, as long as the correct does is given at the correct times and you buy the appropriate type, eg; ALLWORMER, this does not include heart worm. :thumbsup:

As long as they do all 11 types of gastro- intestinal worms (including the subspecies), be warned some cheaper brands and some supermarket brands do not, always read the packet to confirm. :laugh: .

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I would like to tell all of you about my experience with worming puppies.

I always start to worm my pups at 2 weeks and then every 2 weeks there after.

I go to the trouble of weighing my pups so they get a correct dose. I was using a well known

brand of puppy wormer liquid. I have always used another brand but was not able to purchase it this time.

At six weeks I gave tablets to the pups and after about 4 to 6 hours you should have seen what came out of those pups.

The round worm infestation was so great I rang the vet. Now this the funny part...the vet said good bring them in I need some round worms to show clients what they look like.!!!!!!!!.

When I took the collected worms in the poor vet nearly had a fit. When I said they had a worm burden I meant a worm burden. All the pups just poo'd round worms no poo.

Well the vet got his worms and I eventually got rid of the last of the worms.

But this goes to show you can purchase of the vet the top brand of puppy wormer and still have worms.

I also reported this to the company and had the the rep come out.

Now this story has a strange twist to it, I was speaking to my friend in Tasmania and mentioned the worm episode and

she replied that she had the same problem with her own litter of pups. (not the same breed) She had also used the same product as me.

Please don't always blame breeders, their are some of us whom do the right thing by our pups and clients and can still get caught through no fault of their own.


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