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Constantly Licking


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my dog spot constantly licks certain points on his body. at the moment hes licked points on his left hand front paw and left hand back leg to red raw.

he continues to lick them because they are now sore and red.

what can i do to deter him from licking the points so they can heal up?? I have a bandage on his paw, but dont know how long it will last.

any ideas?

eta...the bandage is off already...

Edited by Ravyk
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Causes are varied... from anxiety/boredom to trying to relieve pain of arthritis or nerve damage.

It can develop into a compulsive thing, and cause an ulcerated /thickened area-'lick granuloma'.

Aloe Vera will soothe the spots... the suggested product will numb and protect them.

You could try chiropractic treatment too :) It helped my old Mitchell.

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thanks pers

i think he's doing it from boredom [being a young cattle dog and me just starting uni, he hasn't be run as often as before] but its led to a bit of compulsive licking. or possibly from a scratch he got from play fighting with our other dog.

could arthritis affect a almost 2 yo dog?

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could arthritis affect a almost 2 yo dog?

unlikely- but it could follow injury.

Poor boy... it is a hard one to crack- as if it is boredom/anxiety related... then you have to provide a substitute to get the 'feel-good' stuff happening for him.

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could arthritis affect a almost 2 yo dog?

unlikely- but it could follow injury.

Poor boy... it is a hard one to crack- as if it is boredom/anxiety related... then you have to provide a substitute to get the 'feel-good' stuff happening for him.

My dog chiropractor says licking can be a symptom of a dog being out of alignment. Dogs do lick where they hurt. Is it possible he's carrying some soreness?

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Rayvik ,did you find the Ban -Itch ,

my dog has the same problem with his paws , if you found it , where did you find it ?

Good luck with your dog , it's a hard problem , I've put baby socks on mine -- didn't last long !! same with bandages :(

Tried aloe vera thinking its bitter he'll hate the taste & won't lick , no such luck , so I'll try & find this stuff

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I bought a product called "Puppi-Trainer" Bitter Bite [by Rudducks]. It comes in a 250mL bottle with a spray top and is said to stop dogs chewing anything including themselves. I am yet to try it though.

I found it at a pet store/aquarium shop in the section with shampoos, conditioners, itch relief etc.

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