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Toy Destroyer


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My 10mo whippet is set on destroying everything - she destroys cheap dog toys in minutes, took 2 hours today to defluff a Tuffies toy ( Scale 7 ), raids my sock draw every so often - in the last 2 hours have rescues 10 socks, eaten a patio setting chair (well chewed the edges), widened the enterance to her hound house, eaten multiple beds incl pet futon, the list goes on incl shoes etc

She intially had a bit of chewing but we put it down to puppy stuff.

But in the last 2-3 weeks she has gone mad with the chewing thing.

They get at least an hours walk a day we aim for 7 days but minimum 5.

Have just had an epiphany and given her some cheese in a Kong - so they are being destroyed well trying anyway

Any whippet proof toys available - she does enjoy the cardboard out of toilet rolls and paper towel but they make huge mess

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order in some dear antlers from the US, 100% natrual and will out last most toys on the market.

ive also hear these are good, just have to get used to the shape


usally i bulk buy fresh bones and give a new one to the pup each day, other wise the ants swarm the place.

Edited by APBT
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order in some dear antlers from the US, 100% natrual and will out last most toys on the market.

ive also hear these are good, just have to get used to the shape


usally i bulk buy fresh bones and give a new one to the pup each day, other wise the ants swarm the place.

Many on the golden retrieve forums I belong to here in the states give deer antlers to their dogs. It cleans teeth as well as keeping them entertianed.

Last week one of the goldens had to have surgery to remove the squeaker from a squeak toy he had demolished---then swollened the squeaker. You are right to be concerned about the destroyed toys.

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