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7month Old Starting To Pull On Lead

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Has usally been ok, but has now started to pull on the lead alot lately . Our pup gets a morning walk (to the local school) with myself a pram and my oldest son on his bike that usally is in front of us, which she wants to keep up with !! What is good way to teach not to pull???

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Well shes a bulldog x only medium built, she has not had to much training with lead while walking because she has usally been very good and not pulling. She drags me and her poor head goes slightly red. At the moment I just have a normal collar (fuzzyard) and lead.

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they can tend to try and keep up with what is ahead especially at their age :confused:

When she tries to pull do little sharp tugs on her leash *pop pop pop pop pop* and call her back to you. Have a bit of food as well to reward her when she sticks next to you. The pops will break her focus off the bike and onto you - you are not correcting you are interrupting. If she starts becoming difficult or ignoring you something like a martingale collar or a correction chain for a couple of sessions tied in with the positive reinforcement of the correct behavior can do wonders :)

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they can tend to try and keep up with what is ahead especially at their age :confused:

When she tries to pull do little sharp tugs on her leash *pop pop pop pop pop* and call her back to you. Have a bit of food as well to reward her when she sticks next to you. The pops will break her focus off the bike and onto you - you are not correcting you are interrupting. If she starts becoming difficult or ignoring you something like a martingale collar or a correction chain for a couple of sessions tied in with the positive reinforcement of the correct behavior can do wonders :)

Thanks will give this ago today (will be children free today so it will not matter how long we take) and over the weekend and get back to you on the progress (fingers crossed)

Cheers and thanks for the help.

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great to hear! yes it does take some time and some owners get frustrated with it BUT remember this ..

if you take the training in baby steps and proof it little by little, just like school, if your pup does regress its only a little way not back to square one :o and she's only a baby too so forgive her for being loony sometimes :)

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