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What Weight Would You Expect?


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depends on the lines and the parents - there is two distinct types.

weight doesnt matter. Dont become one of those people obsessed with weight and size. You have a large/giant breed grow him SLOW and keep him trim :laugh: best way to avoid growth problems or bone problems later on. Puppies go through growth spurts, gangly periods, plateaus etc so until about 2 1/2 dont expect any final shape or size.

Also DONT allow the pup to jump up/down on objects, out of the car or stairs and very long walks/jogs. They can injure themselves quite well and sometimes without obvious outward signs. Those big knuckles need to grow before they can take the strain of that type of pressure.

eta he looks in pretty good condition but his front feet look a little flat. What are you currently feeding him? He may need a different balance food. My dogue has similar feet when I first got him at 7 months and a change in diet tightened them up :D


see how the front feet are rather pancake?


now there is a more bunched shape - I changed his food to a giant breed puppy and added raw meaty bones (which he adores and keeps their teeth lovely and clean which can be hard to achieve because of the shape of mastiff/bulldog jaws :rolleyes: )

Edited by Nekhbet
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I've read that at 6months they will be roughly 75% of there full grown height and on another post on general someone said that their vet told them that as a rough estimate if you double their 4month weight and add a few kg's you'll get a rough idea on full grown weight. I haven't tested either theory though so not sure how accurate they are.

hope that helps

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he is on a diet of puppy large breed and raw meat and bones (mainly chicken carcasses)... his feet aren't quite as flat as they appear in that photo, they're pretty "boxy", ill see if i can find a better picture....Its not that I'm obsessed with size and weight, but I am trying to keep him fairly lean and slow growing and he's put on around 7kgs in 3 weeks...'spose it's just one of those growth spurts, and me being paranoid about his bones,... also on that subject what kinda excercise limits would those in "the know" expect, he gets around a 15-20 min fairly slow walk a day and a few short games of fetch to get his heart pumping a little :laugh:... and to add, asking his breeder isnt really an option as he was bred from not so perfect circumstances :/



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Knuckles is a X so may not be comparable but at 5 months she was 17kg and at 10 months she is about 27kg.

She was probably a little chubby at 5 months but has now leaned out and is more toned. I would guess she probably has another 10kg in her to fill out her features.

I had heard double their 5 month weight, This looks like it might be pretty close for Knuckles ( still a lot of guess work on her final weight though.)

Her brother was in our puppy preschool class and I think he was probably twice the weight of Knuckles. Haven't seen him since though.

Great looking pup BTW.



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