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Goodbye My Shadow


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It was almost a month ago we said goodbye to you my puppy. For 11 wonderful years you were mine, my shadow. You came to us at just 5 weeks old. You helped us settle into our first house, were there when got married, welcomed our two children into our family. Always with love and a happy smile. You loved and protected my babies like they were yours too.

The nurse in me knew you werent right when you went off your food and became lethargic. I was never prepared to find out you were so ill. They gave you days as you had complications from your cancer but you bravely fought on for a month, and with support from Dr Lindy you fought on at home and even managed to bravely give us a week of our Sophie back playing and sitting with me, never leaving me except when my tears were too much for you. Even the vet said you stayed alive for me only. You only ate and drank for me in those last weeks, you were loyal and loving till the end. For 11 years you never looked at me with anything but love and devotion. And when your life slipped away on that most heartbreaking day you still looked at me that way, that one last time. The last thing I could do was to set you free, it nearly lkilled me but you deserved so much more.

Almost a month has passed and I still cry for you. I look for you without thinking. The house will never be the same to come home to. Your bowl is gone but no one ever stands in that spot in the kitchen. I still cant sleep with my feet in your spot on the bed and your place on the lounge at night still sits empty.

You were the most amazing friend little one. Rest easy knowing you are loved and will be forever. We all miss our little friend every day. Your kids look for you but remember fondly those last gifts you gave them of time spent with them alone on their beds. There will never be another you.

Till we meet again


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