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Doggy First Aid Kit


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Thanks for bringing up this topic! It's something I keep thinking of but haven't done. I guess a basic human first aid kit could be a starting point! But you could then add in stuff like Iodine ointment, vet wrap bandage (the one that sticks to itself), syringes (for flushing wounds), saline, thermometer, forceps, bandage scissors. I'm sure other people will come on with more stuff and we'll end up with a more comphensive list.

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I have :


Brolene eye ointment

super glue



syringe and needles


vet wrap

cotton pads

betadine cream

a small pair of clippers to shave hair

anti emetic tablets

antibiotic tablets

anti inflammatories (all drugs are dog safe and I know how to use them)

the pretty much patches most things that may otherwise require a vet visit.

Edited by Nekhbet
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I have :


Brolene eye ointment

super glue



syringe and needles


vet wrap

cotton pads

betadine cream

a small pair of clippers to shave hair

anti emetic tablets

antibiotic tablets

anti inflammatories (all drugs are dog safe and I know how to use them)

the pretty much patches most things that may otherwise require a vet visit.

Super glue - what do you do with this???

Edited by Jigsaw
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super glue is great for nicks in the skin or cuts. you pinch the skin, add a line of glue and try not to attach yourself to the dog :rainbowbridge:

never ever put IN the wound, you just for a coating on top to seal it back up. Heals nicely and by the time the glue falls off the wound is healed.

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super glue is great for nicks in the skin or cuts. you pinch the skin, add a line of glue and try not to attach yourself to the dog :rainbowbridge:

never ever put IN the wound, you just for a coating on top to seal it back up. Heals nicely and by the time the glue falls off the wound is healed.

Have heard of "glue" for human wounds! Maybe I should add a bottle of nail polish remover so I can unstick my fingers from the tube after I've glued the dog together! :love: Then I can have the brandy and the Rescue Remedy! :p

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Something to induce vomiting! Or maybe that's just me, I own labradors!

Splint and bandage

Muzzle and lead for injured strays

lectric soda..available in the laundry section in the supermarket - and nope wasn't for a lab. :laugh:

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Address & phone number of the nearest 24 hour emergency vet hospital if your vet doesn't offer 24 hour emergency service or as an alternative if there's a problem getting hold of your vet or you need an urgent second opinion.

If you've never been there before you could also include a printout of the whereis.com directions as its best not to have to think in an emergency! Better still go for a drive and check it out before an emergency arises.

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Something to induce vomiting! Or maybe that's just me, I own labradors!

Splint and bandage

Muzzle and lead for injured strays

^ Hydrogen Peroxide

Benadryl (Diphenhydramine hydrochloride) -

Benadryl can help with:

.Allegies/histaminic reactions -- in fact it can save lives, as well as stop itching from allergies.

.Hay Fever (Atopia -- another allergy -- this one airborne).

.Motion sickness Insomnia in dogs but not cats (note that it sometimes takes a long while to get un-drowsy).

.Bee and hornet stings.


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