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Please Help....failing Puppy?


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We have a litter of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels born 7 days early...This our 3rd litter of these pups but first for this Dame. She had 8 pups all up but 5 were still born (that is anopther story)

Two of the puppies are going great guns we have no worries with them at all...they are gaining loads of weight.

My concern is out little runt, he was born at 100g, and would not suck, I expressed from mum for the morning giving to him via syringe. By mid morning he started sucking we just had to help him find it. By the next morning he was finding it on his own. We were hopeful, but dispite that he was still loosing weight rapidly....by wednesday afternoon he was down to 82g. We decided that it was time to intervine, and started giving him some formula as well as putting him on the breast...he was going great all night and this morning, has gained 10g, but has now stopped sucking.

Please give me any advice that you can, I don't want to loose this little man.

Should I take him off her and hand rear him? I have seen some mention of tube feeding, what does this entail.

Thankyou in advance for any advice you can give me.

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Try giving him beef liver tea ,or nutradrops.

I will pm you the recipe, good luck ,try putting him on mum & supporting him under the chin whilst he is feeding .

Also make sure you keep him really warm & that he is not dehydrated.

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Sad you lost the little one. The joys of breeding :rolleyes: You'll probably do better to post questions like this in the breeder's forum. I assume you are a registered breeder? You just need to contact Troy to be able to post in there.

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Thank you all for your advice. Our little 'Piglet' went to puppy heaven this morning at 2:30. We are devestated, this has been a very traumatic litter for us.

I'm so sorry to hear that, but it's probably for the best. Mother Nature knows what she's doing.

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:laugh: Sorry you lost your wee man, but I did not hold much hope with what you described. Been there had same happen. :)

settrlvr I have successfully tube feed 2 pups. They would not have survived if not tube feed as suck was very poor. Tubed, bottled and finally back on Mum.

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HI everyone

Loosing our little piglet was very sad, we have breed 3 litter from 2 different dogs in 4 years and this is the second time we have lost a pup but it wasn't any easier this time than the last, in fact it was proabably worse.

But on a brighter note 'Bob' and 'Fred' (my children have nicknamed them) are doing fantastic, Bob now weighs 285g and Fred weighs 310g!!!

Take Care Kristy

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