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Cocking Leg...


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Henschke has started cocking his leg on people (and anything that is standing still) and there seems to be a differing opinion on whether it's a dominance or a 'male' thing.

Unfortunately, I haven't caught him doing it on people yet to tell him off, but I did tell him off tonight when he went to pee on a box inside the house! He stopped immediately.

I'd be interested to learn whether this is a dominant gesture or whether it's purely an undesexed teenage thing...

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Both my male and female went through a piddle on my things stage during adolescence. Not me exactly but close (pillow, bed, clothes). So I would go for the adolescent thing (which is kind of adolescent dominance anyway). Lucky for mine and me they grew out of it. Although, since we have been spending more time at the off lead oval with more dogs (incl entire males) my male (who is now desexed) has been cocking his legs and humping much more - picking up bad behaviour.

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My elkhound, desexed at five months, now 15 months old, never cocks his leg at home and never pees inside. He started doing that at the dog park a few months back. However, he has twice peed on the same person in the dog park. He hasn't done it to anyone else. Why would he do that?

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How old is he?

Although this is an irrelevant question, peeing on things that belong to us is not acceptable, poor puppy for getting it so wrong. :laugh:

He needs to learn that this is a a big NO NO. Maybe he needs to go back to baby puppy training, IMO it shouldn't really matter if he is desexed or not, he needs to learn that this is a no go.

I don't know at this stage whether it is of any relevance as to why? It is just not on, you buy the dog food, you rule.

If your can't curb this yucky habit, as it is always suggested, get a Pro in to give you guidance.

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