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Eating Poo


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Hi just needing some advice please.

My 7month old GSD after doing his bussiness will lick and even eat his poo.

He has been doing it since he was a little pup, was hoping he would grow out of it but this hasn't happened yet.

Is he doing it because he is lacking some minerals? What should I do?


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what is and has been his diet

how often is he fed

does he show any other signs of dietary deficiency or eating plants/dirt/bark etc

One method is to keep meals small (ie feed at least twice a day) and feed more digestible items that are more easily processed such as raw meaty bones (chicken carcasses/maryland, lamb flaps/necks/ etc) This will make the poo less palatable and decrease the undigested (ie edible) protein content. Maybe also look at changing the dry food to something maybe less protein rich but still a complete food as well

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Thousands of dog all over the world have a habit of eating Poo.

Some give up after a while and some never stop.

It has NOTHING to do with their diet or lack of vitamins, they just do it.

If you want to stop the dog from doing it go and by some cheap plain label Pineapple

and add that to the dog food.


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Thousands of dog all over the world have a habit of eating Poo.

Some give up after a while and some never stop.

It has NOTHING to do with their diet or lack of vitamins, they just do it.

If you want to stop the dog from doing it go and by some cheap plain label Pineapple

and add that to the dog food.


Yes some dogs do it as as a nasty habit but there is also a condition where the dog lacks a digestive enzyme, Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency. Another cause can be that the dog's diet doesn't have enough protein in it and to many carbs.

Pineapple doesn't work.

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He was eating eukanuba puppy for large breeds, but was gettng bored with it.

He is now on pro plan puppy for large breeds, has been cut down to just dinner because he wasn't eating his breakfast. He also gets long beef bones a couple times a week and chicken wings.

Thanks for the replies, would very much appreciate all suggestions/advice?

Not so enjoyable getting kisses from him when there's faeces stuck in his teeth :rofl:

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Why do they do it? Because they can! :hug:

Who knows why pups do this but it's not pleasant....doo poo breath! Ewww! :hug:

I solved the problem quickly with my Kelpie. You have to get to a poo quickly...then cover it in ground pepper.

The pepper won't harm them but they will certainly avoid eating a pepper covered poo again. :hug:

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Thanks for all the replies

I took him to see our vet just in case, and he realy is just doing it because he can.

He recommended that we put a bit of chillie flakes casualy over it with out letting our pup know what we are up to. But I think i'll try the pepper idea, doesn't sound as painful.

Thanks again :hug:

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Thanks for all the replies

I took him to see our vet just in case, and he realy is just doing it because he can.

He recommended that we put a bit of chillie flakes casualy over it with out letting our pup know what we are up to. But I think i'll try the pepper idea, doesn't sound as painful.

Thanks again :hug:

I can just imagine sidling up to a recently done poo, big wooden pepper grinder in hand...*hehehehe* :hug: Imagine what people would think if they saw!!!!!!!! :hug:

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Thousands of dog all over the world have a habit of eating Poo.

Some give up after a while and some never stop.

It has NOTHING to do with their diet or lack of vitamins, they just do it.

If you want to stop the dog from doing it go and by some cheap plain label Pineapple

and add that to the dog food.


Yes some dogs do it as as a nasty habit but there is also a condition where the dog lacks a digestive enzyme, Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency. Another cause can be that the dog's diet doesn't have enough protein in it and to many carbs.

Pineapple doesn't work.

It may not have worked for you but it has worked for thousands of others.

Yes, some dogs do have a digestive problem, but they are few and far between, unless you have it in a specific line or lines or if you have a breeds that may be prone to it..

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Thanks for all the replies

I took him to see our vet just in case, and he realy is just doing it because he can.

He recommended that we put a bit of chillie flakes casualy over it with out letting our pup know what we are up to. But I think i'll try the pepper idea, doesn't sound as painful.

Thanks again :mad

I can just imagine sidling up to a recently done poo, big wooden pepper grinder in hand...*hehehehe* :rofl: Imagine what people would think if they saw!!!!!!!! :rofl:

I have one boy who likes to eat his and any of his dog family's poo. I can also imagine the above, but with him saying, "...oh you seasoned it for me, how nice, thanks..." and then eating it! :rofl:

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Pineapple has never worked for me, or should I say my dog, either! The original idea of adding pineapple comes from the belief that coprophagia was due to a potassium deficiency..... pineapple is rich in potassium...... not to make the faeces unpalatable, as many people believe.

A cheap test to see if your dog has an enzyme deficiency is to make a paste of the faeces with water & apply it to X-ray negative..... however most vet practices are digital nowadays!

If your dog is not getting enough nutrition from its food you could try adding Thrive D which many people with coprophagic dogs swear by.

However for a lot of dogs..... mine included, it is a learned behaviour, usually from the dam. For such dogs it is advisable to worm at 6 weekly intervals & not 12 weeks..... much safer for the humans that way!

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Thanks for all the replies

I took him to see our vet just in case, and he realy is just doing it because he can.

He recommended that we put a bit of chillie flakes casualy over it with out letting our pup know what we are up to. But I think i'll try the pepper idea, doesn't sound as painful.

Thanks again :clap:

I can just imagine sidling up to a recently done poo, big wooden pepper grinder in hand...*hehehehe* :stupid: Imagine what people would think if they saw!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

:):):laugh: Just put a white serviette over your arm as you do it, just like in a posh restaurant! :hitself:

Peachy....yes, I had heard about chilli flakes and thought it much too harsh on a pup. Just a cheapy container of powdered pepper will do.

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Thanks for all the replies

I took him to see our vet just in case, and he realy is just doing it because he can.

He recommended that we put a bit of chillie flakes casualy over it with out letting our pup know what we are up to. But I think i'll try the pepper idea, doesn't sound as painful.

Thanks again :clap:

I can just imagine sidling up to a recently done poo, big wooden pepper grinder in hand...*hehehehe* :stupid: Imagine what people would think if they saw!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

:):):laugh: Just put a white serviette over your arm as you do it, just like in a posh restaurant! :hitself:

Peachy....yes, I had heard about chilli flakes and thought it much too harsh on a pup. Just a cheapy container of powdered pepper will do.

You guys have me laughing out loud reading this one - especially just after reading some of the other threads in here tonight... It's the image of sidling that got me. :clap:

One of ours was shocking for this, still does it occasionally at 10mths. Feeding her Livamol seemed to help. Improved her coat, condition and almost stopped her poo fixation. She would wait behind the others as they were going so she could jump right in while it was fresh.... shudders.... then want kisses....

And yes, we upped the frequency of her wormings as well. :clap:

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I have a 12-13 week old English Staffy, when I brought her home she was very excited with her new home and just loved exlporing especially the garden beds much to my disgust and my childrens she was able to sniff out where our cat poos. She loves it and it is most distressing to witness. I had to take her to the vet as she got a urinary infection and I thought it may be due to her eating the cat poo.

(not caused by the poo)

The vet told us that it is very normal for dogs to eat their own poo as well as cat poo they love it!

Grose! apparently it is like chocolate for humans.

He reccomend that I watch where the cat poos and cover it with tabasco sauce. LOL I have't been able to see where the cat goes to poo but have been vigilant with removing her poo and she hasn't had the oppertunity to eat any for over a week.

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